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Fetal Pig Dissection Image Sets

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1 Fetal Pig Dissection Image Sets
*All Structures must be CLEARLY identified by pins or by power point arrows placed in the images. (Group grade given-All members get the same grade)

2 External Features to ID (Unit 1) Image Set #1
Nares Eyes & Nicitating membrane Tongue Pinnae Thorax Trunk Umbilical cord Teats Urogenital opening Scrotum (male) or Genital papilla (female)-Pg. 9 Anus Measure length to estimate age of pig (use string and measure from the tip of the nose to the base of the tail) ****Use table on pg. 7 to estimate age.

3 Muscle ID (Three lists) Image Set #2
I. Lateral View Neck, Shoulder, and Upper Arm (See pg. 20) Triceps Deltoids Brachioradialis Trapezius Extensor digitorum lateralis Masseter Extensor digitorum communis Extensor carpi ulnaris II. List of Muscles – Ventral View (Pg. 21) Sternohyoid Pectoralis Major Brachiocephalic Pectoralis minor Latissimus Dorsi Serratus ventralis III. List of Muscles – Lateral View (See Pg. 22) Biceps Femoris External Oblique Gluteus maximus Semitendinosis Gluteus medius (medialis)

4 Exploration of the Neck Image Set #3
Sternohyoid Muscle Larynx Thyroid gland Thymus gland Trachea Jugular vein Carotid artery

5 Exploration of the Thoracic Cavity Image Set #4
Lungs (7 lobes)-Label Left & Right Side Diaphragm Heart Pericardium Apex Coronary artery & vein Aortic arch Atrium Ventricles Pulmonary vessels (arteries & veins) Septum

6 Image Set #5 - Structures of the Digestive System
Hard palate Soft palate Epiglottis Esophagus Liver (be able to name the 4 lobes) Stomach (be able to identify cardiac region & pyloric region) Spleen Gall Bladder Mesenteric Arteries Pancreas Small intestine (Duodenum, Jejunum, & Ileum) Large intestine segments (A, T, D, Sigmoid) Cecum/Spiral colon (Fig.22 on p.35) *Isolate the small & Large intestines *Measure the length of the digestive tract (Stomach to the anus)

7 Image Set #6 Further Exploration of Circulatory System
Locate & Identify the following Vessels: Carotid Arteries, Jugular Veins (already done in image se #3) Subclavian artery (branches off the aortic arch) Brachial artery (upper extremities) Abdominal Aorta & Vena Cava (inferior) Iliac artery Femoral artery (lower Extremities) Mesenteric Arteries & Veins Portal Vein **Know where these blood vessels can be found: -Gastric -Tibial -Hepatic -Radial -Pulmonary -Caudal

8 Urinary & Reproductive Systems (Image Set #7)
Kidney (cross section of left kidney) Renal cortex (outer layer) Renal medulla & Renal pelvis (inner layer) Adrenal gland Ureter Urinary Bladder Renal artery & renal vein Female (uterine horns & ovary) Male (vas deferens & testes) ***Review the diagrams for the brain (pgs. 50 & 51)

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