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Announcements 2/6/12 Prayer. Reading Quiz The term describing a crystal where the index of refraction depends on the direction is: a. a.anisotropic b.

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Presentation on theme: "Announcements 2/6/12 Prayer. Reading Quiz The term describing a crystal where the index of refraction depends on the direction is: a. a.anisotropic b."— Presentation transcript:

1 Announcements 2/6/12 Prayer

2 Reading Quiz The term describing a crystal where the index of refraction depends on the direction is: a. a.anisotropic b. b.antisymmetric c. c.homogeneous d. d.stratified e. e.superrefractive

3 Reading Quiz In an anisotropic crystal,  must be represented by: a. a.a real number b. imaginary number c. c.a vector d. d.a matrix

4 Calcite (calcium carbonate)

5 Susceptibility matrix

6 Gauss’s Law

7 Reading Quiz This important equation which can be used to determine the index of refraction along arbitrary angles in anisotropic crystals, is called: a. a.Fresnel’s equation b. b.Huygens’ equation c. c.Poynting’s equation d. d.Snell’s equation e. e.Stokes’ equation

8 Wave equation  Fresnel’s Eqn

9 Example 1

10 Example 2

11 Example 3 n  1.4

12 Example 4 n = 1.3 is one of the n’s

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