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Vaisala TLS200 VHF total lightning mapping for safety and nowcasting applications Nick Demetriades 1, Ron Holle 2, and Nikki Hembury 2 Vaisala Inc. 1 Helsinki,

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Presentation on theme: "Vaisala TLS200 VHF total lightning mapping for safety and nowcasting applications Nick Demetriades 1, Ron Holle 2, and Nikki Hembury 2 Vaisala Inc. 1 Helsinki,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Vaisala TLS200 VHF total lightning mapping for safety and nowcasting applications Nick Demetriades 1, Ron Holle 2, and Nikki Hembury 2 Vaisala Inc. 1 Helsinki, Finland 2 Tucson, Arizona

2 Page 2 / July 2011-Southern Thunder / Holle / ©Vaisala VHF cloud lightning mapping example Tucson

3 Page 3 / July 2011-Southern Thunder / Holle / ©Vaisala VHF total lightning mapping vs. VLF/LF cloud lightning detection Flash scale VHF cloud lightning mapping VLF/LF cloud lightning detection  VLF/LF detects a fraction of cloud flashes (5-50%)  Mostly in areas near initiation points of cloud flashes DFW

4 Page 4 / July 2011-Southern Thunder / Holle / ©Vaisala VHF total lightning mapping vs. VLF/LF cloud lightning detection Storm scale VHF cloud lightning mapping VLF/LF cloud lightning detection DFW

5 Page 5 / July 2011-Southern Thunder / Holle / ©Vaisala Total lightning mapping  Tens, hundreds, or thousands of points per flash  Close in time and space by objective rules  Horizontally spread across tens of km  A portion of a second in duration

6 Page 6 / July 2011-Southern Thunder / Holle / ©Vaisala VHF cloud lightning mapping - essential for lightning safety and avoidance applications  Cloud lightning mapping identifies all areas at risk for cloud-to-ground lightning  Research shows that all areas where cloud lightning is propagating overhead are at risk for cloud-to-ground lightning

7 Page 7 / July 2011-Southern Thunder / Holle / ©Vaisala 7 Imminent CG threat? CG lightning hazard Radar perspective (composite) 24 April 2008

8 Page 8 / July 2011-Southern Thunder / Holle / ©Vaisala 8 CG lightning hazard VHF total lightning mapping perspective 24 April 2008

9 Page 9 / July 2011-Southern Thunder / Holle / ©Vaisala 9 CG lightning hazard VHF total lightning mapping & NLDN perspective 24 April 2008

10 Page 10 / July 2011-Southern Thunder / Holle / ©Vaisala 10 CG lightning hazard Radar perspective (base) 0700–0800 UTC 6 November 2006 movie

11 Page 11 / July 2011-Southern Thunder / Holle / ©Vaisala 11 CG lightning hazard VHF total lightning mapping perspective 0700–0800 UTC 6 November 2006 movie

12 Page 12 / July 2011-Southern Thunder / Holle / ©Vaisala 12 CG lightning hazard NLDN CG lightning perspective 0700–0800 UTC 6 November 2006

13 Page 13 / July 2011-Southern Thunder / Holle / ©Vaisala Asset compared with storm-following  Consider a fixed asset such as an airport or outdoor event  Most thunderstorms (70 to 90%) develop away from the asset and move toward and/or over it  Sometimes (10 to 30%), a new overhead storm will develop over the asset

14 Page 14 / July 2011-Southern Thunder / Holle / ©Vaisala  Study of 29 thunderstorms at Tucson International Airport during 2007/2008 showed that LS8000 cloud lightning events provided ~20 minutes (mean 25; median 19) lead time before first CG affected the airport  Same study showed that VLF/LF cloud lightning from the NLDN provided no lead time (mean 2 minutes late; median 0 minutes) Storm motion Asset perspective Tucson airport study – Nick Demetriades, Vaisala

15 Page 15 / July 2011-Southern Thunder / Holle / ©Vaisala  Storm-following perspective, specifically overhead thunderstorm development  Minority of thunderstorms (~10-30%) develop overhead of the asset being protected  Cloud lightning precedes CG lightning in ~70% of all thunderstorms. For these thunderstorms, the typical time difference between the first cloud and first CG flash/stroke is several minutes. Storm-following perspective

16 Page 16 / July 2011-Southern Thunder / Holle / ©Vaisala VHF cloud lightning mapping for lightning safety and avoidance applications  Goal: Reduce false alarms and the warning area associated with cloud-to-ground lightning warnings  This can only be done using VHF cloud lightning mapping  Large improvements in false alarm rates  Maintains high safety standards

17 Page 17 / July 2011-Southern Thunder / Holle / ©Vaisala CG plus VLF/LF cloud warning methodology Vaisala NLDN ® or LS7001 LF network tracks lightning as it approaches the airport CG flashes

18 Page 18 / July 2011-Southern Thunder / Holle / ©Vaisala VHF cloud warning methodology Vaisala TLS200 VHF/LF network tracks lightning as it approaches the airport CG flashes Mapping of cloud flashes

19 Page 19 / July 2011-Southern Thunder / Holle / ©Vaisala Performance statistics Definitions  Probability of detection (POD2)  Percentage of thunderstorms that produced CG lightning on airport property (3 miles) where a warning was issued with at least two minutes lead time  False alarm rate (FAR)  Percentage of all issued warnings that did not produce CG lightning on airport property (3 miles)  FAR duration  Number of unnecessary minutes the ramp was shut down due to false alarms  Number of ground stops  Total number of times the ramp was shut down for CG lightning warnings

20 Page 20 / July 2011-Southern Thunder / Holle / ©Vaisala CG lightning warning method POD2FARFAR duration Number of ground stops CG-only93%63%1066 min.60 VHF total lightning mapping 95%41%584 min.35  TLS200 total lightning mapping reduces size of warning area necessary for generating cloud-to-ground lightning warnings  High safety with greatly improved operational efficiency Improved operational efficiency DFW results (1 March – 4 August 2008)

21 Page 21 / July 2011-Southern Thunder / Holle / ©Vaisala  Provides better identification of areas at risk for CG lightning  From an asset protection perspective, cloud lightning mapping provides significant lead time before arrival of cloud-to-ground lightning  From a storm-following perspective, 90% cloud flash detection efficiency maximizes early warning of CG lightning hazard by cloud lightning  Reduces warning area needed for cloud-to-ground lightning warnings leading to significant false alarm rate reductions while maintaining high safety standards Safety applications of Vaisala’s VHF total lightning mapping data - Summary

22 Page 22 / July 2011-Southern Thunder / Holle / ©Vaisala 2012 ILDC/ILMC  22 nd International Lightning Detection Conference  5 th International Lightning Meteorology Conference  April 2-5, 2012  Renaissance Boulder Flatiron Hotel, Broomfield, Colorado  Theme: The value of lightning information for safety and asset protection

23 Page 23 / July 2011-Southern Thunder / Holle / ©Vaisala Boxes

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