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Effective Optical Flow Estimation

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Presentation on theme: "Effective Optical Flow Estimation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Effective Optical Flow Estimation
Jan Kamenický

2 Motivation

3 Usage Motion detection Object segmentation
Video encoding (compression) Stereo disparity measurement

4 Optical flow equation Color constancy Taylor series

5 Estimating optical flow
Basic equation Local methods Lucas & Kanade flow field is locally constant (or affine) least squares minimization cannot handle interior parts of objects

6 Estimating optical flow
Basic equation Global methods Horn & Schunk more sensitive to noise data term smoothing term

7 Problems Data term Smoothness term
non-homogenous surface (shading, reflections) non-flat scene / non-uniform lighting spatial discontinuities Smoothness term discontinuities (moving objects boundaries)

8 Estimating partial derivatives
Discrete approximation by differences forward, backward – not exact use 2x2x2 cube in (x,y,t) space compute the difference as an average of 4 adjacent first order differences use larger support e.g. [1, -8, 0, 8, -1]/12 j+1 j k+1 k i i+1

9 Data term L2 norm L1 norm Many modifications generalized Charbonnier

10 Regularization term Enforces smooth flow field
Similar norms can be used L2, L1 (total variation), … Other possibilities Laplacian instead of gradient

11 Dealing with larger displacements
Smoothing (blurring) usually Gaussian kernel decreases flow field accuracy Pyramidal approach compute flow on down-sampled images up-sample the flow to next level compute the warping (using the optical flow) repeat

12 More optimizations Graduated non-convexity Median filtering (5x5)
iteratively move from convex energy function to the more robust non-convex form Median filtering (5x5) weighted modification More warping steps on one pyramid level

13 OF methods comparison Optical flow estimation benchmark
Average end-point error

14 References Main described method
D. Sun, S. Roth, M. J. Black: Secrets of Optical Flow Estimation and Their Principles, CVPR 2010

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