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Dropping Lowest Grades What score(s) should be dropped to maximize a students grade? Dustin M. Weege Concordia College 2008 Secondary Mathematics Education.

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Presentation on theme: "Dropping Lowest Grades What score(s) should be dropped to maximize a students grade? Dustin M. Weege Concordia College 2008 Secondary Mathematics Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dropping Lowest Grades What score(s) should be dropped to maximize a students grade? Dustin M. Weege Concordia College 2008 Secondary Mathematics Education Not always what you think it to be

2 The Plan Natural ideas for dropping grades ▫Flaws Mention of other possible methods for determining the best scores to drop Optimal Drop Function

3 If the teacher is basing the final grade on the student’s raw score Drop the lowest score earned ▫Notice the percentages Table 1: Alan’s quiz scores Quiz12345 Score262436 Possible81240424 Percentage2550607525 “Natural” ideas for dropping grades

4 Also Consider: Drop the lowest score earned ▫Notice the percentages Table 1: Alan’s quiz scores Quiz12345 Score462426 Possible81240424 Percentage50 605025 “Natural” ideas for dropping grades

5 Drop the lowest percentage ▫What should be dropped?  Drop 3 (lowest percentage)?  Total percentage of  Drop 2?  Total percentage of Table 2: Beth’s quiz scores Quiz123 Score80201 Possible100 20 Percentage80205 “Natural” ideas for dropping grades

6 What do we know? Highest percentage will always be in the optimal retained set. ▫Reason: if S has grades that are less than the largest percentage, then the average will be less than the largest percentage. The reverse is not necessarily true ▫The grade with the smallest score does not necessarily appear in the optimal deletion set ▫Ex. Beth Table 2: Beth’s quiz scores Quiz123 Score80201 Possible100 20 Percentage80205

7 Dropping more than one grade Conflict arises depending on the number of scores dropped ▫Remove 1 score:  quiz 4 would be best to drop  63.4% ▫Remove 2 scores  quizzes 2 & 3 would be best to drop  74.6% Table 3: Carl’s quiz scores Quiz1234 Score10042143 Possible100915538 Percentage10046258

8 How can we find the best set? Brute Force ▫Try all possibilities ▫Flaw: Can take too long especially with large quantities of scores Greedy Algorithm ▫Do the best in each situation ▫Flaw: ex. Carl  Drop 4 & 3  Yields a total score of 100+42=142 out of 191  74.3%  Drop 2 & 3  Yields a total score of 100+3=103 out of 138  74.6% ▫Compare : (2&4  73.5%; 1&4  38.4%) Table 3: Carl’s quiz scores Quiz1234 Score10042143 Possible100915538 Percentage10046258

9 Can’t we come up with something? You know it. Leave it up to a MIT student and a Professor who received his BA in Mathematics at U of M- Duluth Jonathan M. Kane Not actually Daniel M. Kane, but this showed up in a Google Images search

10 Terminology - also found on handout k  K – Total number of assignments; s.t. K  j – quiz # (1,2,3,…k) s.t. k>0 m j – earned points on quiz n j – possible points on quiz r – score(s) dropped/”deletion set” “optimal deletion set” – set of quiz(zes) dropped in order to yield the highest possible grade k-r – Number of scores counted/“retained” S – retained grades (*note: S  K) S best – Optimal retained set q – the average score in S q best – best possible value for q “Optimal Drop function” -

11 Optimal Drop Function q – Defined as: q best – q is defined s.t. the S score is maximized Define for every j: ▫By substitution we get: Equation 1 Equation 2 Equation 3

12 Optimal Drop Function Notice: q is the average score in S is a linear, decreasing function iff

13 Optimal Drop Function q is the average score in S is a linear, decreasing function is also a linear, decreasing function ▫Example from Carl iff Table 3: Carl’s quiz scores Quiz1234 Score10042143 Possible100915538 Percentage10046258

14 Optimal Drop Function F(q) is the max of the sum of linear, decreasing functions, ▫F(q) must be a piecewise, linear, decreasing function Equation 4

15 Optimal Drop Function F(q) is the max of the sum of linear, decreasing functions, ▫F(q) must be a piecewise, linear, decreasing function Equation 4

16 Optimal Drop Function Now, find the rational number q, so that  Recall Equation 4

17 Optimal Drop Function Next, we need to find the line that yields the highest possible q value s.t.. ▫From this we are able to determine ▫  composed of the top k-r f j (q) values.

18 Optimal Drop Function Tasks: ▫Evaluate each for each j ▫Identify the k-r largest from the values ▫S is the set of j values from the largest k-r values ▫Calculate

19 Optimal Drop Function – Ex. Carl Drop 2 scores: Possibilities for S: 1&21&31&4 2&32&43&4 Estimate: q to be.75 Table 3: Carl’s quiz scores Quiz1234 Score10042143 Possible100915538 Percentage10046258

20 Relevance Determining the best set of scores to drop Understanding Computer gradebooks Determine cuts that are necessary to be made in a company based on several assessments

21 Sources 1.Daniel M. Kane and Jonathan M. Kane Dropping Lowest Grades Mathematics Magazine, (2006) 79 (June) pp. 181- 189.Dropping Lowest Grades 2.Daniel Kane's Homepage 3.Jonathan Kane Home Page 4. 5.Daniel Biebighauser’s brain

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