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 Take a few moments to complete the science quiz on the first page.

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2  Take a few moments to complete the science quiz on the first page

3  What is scientific inquiry? › A set of methods and processes that are used by scientists to gather information to help questions about the natural world  Types of scientific inquiry  Variable – anything that changes the outcome of scientific inquiry Controlled ExperimentObservational Study - Manipulate and control variables to determine cause and effect - Observe without interfering - Unable to control variables

4 ObservationQuestionHypothesis Design and perform experiment Analyze and gather data Draw conclusionsShare results

5  Observe and question › Questions must be testable › Answer can’t be researched › Not an opinion question (ex. Which professional sport team has the best mascot?) › Question: How do students learn best? › Testable Question: Do students perform better on tests before or after eating?

6  Variable – anything that changes the outcome of scientific inquiry › Independent variable – a variable changed or manipulated; a good experiment only has one independent variable › Dependent variable – variable that responds to changes made to independent variable › Controlled variable – remains constant throughout experiment; can also be used for comparison

7  An informed prediction about the outcome of an experiment  Often written as an “if…then…” statement › Ex. If students regularly review their notes every night for at least half an hour, then they will receive a mark of 80% or above.

8  Q: What type of pizza is preferred by fourth graders? › H: If fourth graders are questioned about pizza preference, then they will prefer pepperoni.  Q: How does the amount of daylight affect how many eggs laid by a chicken? › H: If the amount of daylight increases, then the chickens will lay more eggs.

9  Detailed step by step  Experiment can be repeated by others  Procedure is written past tense in a passive voice › Ex. 3 ml of sodium bicarbonate was obtained › Ex. The salt water solution was heated for 3 minutes

10  Record what you can see  Types of observations  Observations not to be confused with inferences › Ex. the bathroom floor is wet vs. someone had an accident on the floor QualitativeQuantitative -Deals with descriptions -Data can be observed but NOT measured -Ex. colors, textures, smells, tastes, appearances, etc. -Qualitative -> quality -Deals with numbers -Data which can be measured -Ex. length, height, area, volume, weight, speed, time, temperature, etc. -Quantitative -> quantity

11  The fire alarm is ringing  The student outside the principal’s office is in trouble  The reaction produced heat  The reactants formed a precipitate  The product formed is acidic

12 QualitativeQuantitative -Blue/green color, gold Frame -Smells old and musty -Texture shows brush strokes of oil paint -Peaceful scene of the Country -Masterful brush strokes -Picture is 10" by 14“ -Frame 14" by 18” -Weighs 8.5 pounds -Surface area of painting is 140 sq. in. -Cost $300

13  Involves the analysis of data collected during the experiment to gather evidence that either proves or disproves the hypothesis  Calculations of measurement or data is performed  Often data collected from an experiment is organized in charts, tables or graphs to make interpretation easier

14  Can the experiment be improved?  Identify sources of error › These errors are difficult to control › Equipment failures, flaws in experimental design, measurement error or inaccuracy, variables that cannot be controlled

15  Statement that summarizes the findings of an  investigation or experiment  Making inferences based on previous knowledge to explain results  Scientific conclusions should not be based on opinions or beliefs  Did you answer your question? Was your hypothesis correct?

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