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Presentation Purpose Understand business uses of presentation software and methods of distribution.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation Purpose Understand business uses of presentation software and methods of distribution."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation Purpose Understand business uses of presentation software and methods of distribution.

2 What is presentation software? Presentation software is a program used to create slide shows or multimedia presentations. Multimedia means presenting data in more than one medium, such as combining text, graphics, animation, video and sound. Slid e 2

3 Characteristics of Appropriate Content Educational To train, present information, emphasize key points, or explain procedures Persuasive To advertize or provoke action Narrative To broadcast messages, tell a story, or entertain Slid e 3

4 Examples? As a class, brainstorm other examples of when presentation software is an appropriate method of information distribution and communication Slid e 4

5 Content is trivial or without a clear purpose Content loses its meaning when translated Content should be preserved in its original form

6 Examples? As a class, brainstorm other examples of when presentation software is an inappropriate method of information distribution and communication Slid e 6

7 Once the decision has been made to use presentation software, the next step is to determine the best method of delivery

8 Apply procedures to develop multimedia presentations used in business.

9 Slide 9 These first two steps were have been covered. They are a part of the procedure for creating a multimedia presentation and must be included, but will not be described again in detail in this presentation. Step 1 – Determine the purpose of the presentation Step 2 – Identify the target audience

10 Slide 10  A storyboard is a collection of frames on a piece of paper  Used to determine the number of slides needed  Used to organize the content of the presentation

11 Slide 11  Appropriate for the purpose of the presentation  Templates may be used  For example, use a beach template if preparing a presentation to be delivered at a youth retreat at Atlantic Beach

12 Slide 12  Make any global changes to the template in this step. Anything applied to the master slide will be applied to all slides in the presentation  Items to consider editing:  Format the footer  Edit background colors  Edit font sizes and styles  Edit bullets  Add logos or graphics that will appear on every slide  Adjust line spacing

13 6.02 Apply procedures to develop multimedia presentations used in business. Slide 13  Rule of sevens  Appropriate language and grammar  Correct any spelling errors

14 Slide 14  Graphics  Used to enhance, not distract Place image close enough to the text it illustrates Don’t make image too big or too small  Consistent use of graphic types Don’t mix cartoons with photographic images  File size of image should not slow presentation  Audio and Video  How will the file play?play  Will the file be embedded or linked?embedded linked  Determine the volume level

15  Animation adds visual interest and emphasizes key parts Animation  Can be applied manually and/or an animation scheme can be used scheme  Transitions control the flow of information Transitions Slide 15

16 . Slide 16  Practice the timing  Practice speech patterns (tone, speed, transition phrases)

17  Repeat Steps 4-9 as needed to fine-tune the presentation Slide 17

18 Slide 18  Transitions determine how the presentation will progress from one slide to the next.  Random transitions can be set globally to the entire presentation or individually.  The speed of the each transition should be consistent and enhance the message.

19  Looped (continuous play)  On mouse click  Automatically 6.02 Apply procedures to develop multimedia presentations used in business. Slide 19

20  A linked object means that the container (presentation file) merely saves the actual filename, as opposed to the whole file.  If linked, make sure the presentation, including all supporting files are packaged before saving to another computer 6.02 Apply procedures to develop multimedia presentations used in business. Slide 20

21  An embedded object is actually stored in the container (presentation file) rather than pointing to a linked document or file somewhere else. 6.02 Apply procedures to develop multimedia presentations used in business. Slide 21

22  Make text and pictures fly in, bounce, and zoom out using animation.  Animate text by word, letter, or line and add dimming and sound effects.  Use entrance and exit effects to fade pictures in and out with items in a bulleted list.  Use dimming to keep the reader focused on the content  Use emphasis to stress key points 6.02 Apply procedures to develop multimedia presentations used in business. Slide 22

23 6.02 Apply procedures to develop multimedia presentations used in business. Slide 23  A preset animation scheme ties together several types of animation effects that complement each other.  A scheme is a polished sequence of effects that can be applied to several slides or the whole show.

24 Methods of Presentation Delivery and Distribution

25 When presenting a PowerPoint presentation, the Method of Delivery and Distribution are used separately or are used in combination— depending upon the Message and the Target Audience. 25

26 Six Methods of Presentation Delivery and Distribution 1. Group Delivery with Speaker 2. Group Delivery without Speaker 3. Continuous Loop 4. Rolling Script 5. Self-Serve 6. As a hard copy

27 Group Delivery with Speaker 27

28 Group Delivery with Speaker Group Delivery with Speaker is used as a supplement and complement to a speaker-delivered presentation. 1. Slides support information presented by the speaker. 2. Slides display graphics that enhance communication. 3. Slides present key points for added emphasis of content. 28

29 Group Delivery with Speaker 4. The key word in this method is supplement!  When delivered with an oral presentation, the slide show content should not contain so much information that it can substitute for the speaker! 29

30 Group Delivery WITHOUT Speaker 30

31 1. Presentation is played one time to an audience. 2. Does not require explanation or interpretation by a speaker. 3. May be displayed to entertain an audience prior to a speech or event. 4. May be used to inform audience about procedures. 31 G ROUP D ELIVERY WITHOUT S PEAKER

32 Continuous Loop 32

33 Continuous Loop 1. Presentation is played repeatedly (on-loop) until manually stopped. 2. Presentation may or may not have a logical beginning and ending. 3. Often used in trade shows where people rotate through at different times throughout the day 4. May be used to broadcast general information, such as school announcements, schedule changes, or changes to room locations, etc. 33

34 Rolling Script 34

35 Rolling Script 1. Presentation is played at moderate pace to allow for user participation. 2. Presentation is usually stand-alone content, such as a prop for posting the lyrics of a song at a concert or the lines of a poem. 35

36 Self-Serve 1. May be delivered via a website, such as Microsoft training presentations that are user-selected and interactive. 2. Self-paced and often interactive 3. May be accompanied by a narration embedded within the presentation. 36

37 As a Hard copy A Hard Copy is used to complement presentations and enable retention of information. A Hard Copy is used..... 1. To enable comprehension 2. To assist the speaker Example: Print out a copy of the PowerPoint slides and give to audience members to help them understand the presentation by reading along as it is presented via a screen. 37

38 A Hard copy 1. To enable audience comprehension : a)This method is especially effective when the content: foreign (new) to the audience or user 2.has to be remembered procedural (1, 2, 3, 4) 4.or is presented to a large group 38

39 A Hard copy b) A handout with 3 slides per page allows room for users to record notes beside each slide. c) The # of slides per sheet should vary according to the amount of text on each slide and the space needed for taking notes. d) There’s little point in distributing handouts that are too small to read. 39

40 A Hard copy e) Handouts can be distributed in color, grayscale, or black and white. If printing on a black and white printer, be sure to select black and white or grayscale format to ensure clear prints. f) Include a footer. The footer should be formatted on all handouts that are to be distributed. 40

41 A Hard copy 2. To assist the speaker: a. A Notes Page contains one slide per page and any notes that accompany the slide. b. An Outline View presents the information in compact form without graphics. c. The Speaker has the notes or outline in front of her/him while the presentation is displayed in the background. 41

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