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SuperCollider Sounds, Interactive Visuals By Simon Katan For Openlab Workshops

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1 SuperCollider Sounds, Interactive Visuals By Simon Katan For Openlab Workshops

2 What we will do on this course Use SuperCollider to generate sounds Learn some synthesis techniques Learn how to get SuperCollider to receive instructions from another application Add sounds to a customisable, open source video game

3 What is SuperCollider ? It’s a very advanced modular synthesizer Unlike this old Moog modular system, you can use SuperCollider for almost any kind of synthesis technique and can run hundreds of synths at the same time as it’s also very efficient. Nevertheless many of the principles are the same as with old analogue synthesis.

4 But also … It’s a very advanced sequencer You probably won’t have used this vintage Alesis MMT8 but you may have used sequencing software such as Garage Band, Cubase, Reason, or Logic. SuperCollider is much more advanced than these. For example you could make Supercollider play a Bach Fugue but randomly change instruments for each note. Or if you’re clever enough, get it to perpetually make up it’s own fugues based on Bach’s original subjects. Sequencers tell electronic instruments what sounds to make when.

5 But also… Has its own GUI. Can receive control data via MIDI and OSC from external devices and programs. Analyse sound in real time Has huge set of mathematical and compositional functions It’s great !

6 What people use SuperCollider for ? Creating custom sounds - maybe for later use in another program like Ardour, Cubase or Logic. Advanced sequencing – complex rhythms with very precise control of parameters. Algorithmic composition - not just ‘play this tune’ but perhaps get the computer to decide what note to play next according to certain rules.

7 What people use SuperCollider for ? Instrument building Interactive Installations – making sound on the fly Sound design for dance and theatre –respond to flexible cues Sound design for computer games ?... - iPhone apps like TOPLAP

8 SC Architecture SC Lang (Client) SC Lang (Client) SC Synth (Server) SC Synth (Server) A programming language – our way of telling SuperCollider what to do Messages sent via OSC The bit that actually makes the sound

9 The interface

10 Lets make some sound Boot the localhost server (wait for “notification is on” in the post window Turn your volume to 50% ! Type “ {}.play; ” in the file window Press shift + return to start the sound (make sure the cursor is still on the same line) Press ⌘ + ‘.’ to stop it !

11 It doesn’t work ?! Don’t worry errors are normal ! They’re usually just typos. SuperCollider will try to help you - look at the post window.

12 Understanding waves and sound Frequency (Hz/ Cycles Per Second): - How fast the wave is moving. - How many peaks per second. - How fast the speaker cone goes in or out. - The higher the frequency the higher the sound we hear. Amplitude (Db): - The height of the wave. - How far the speaker cones go in and out. - The bigger the amplitude the louder the sound we perceive Phase (radians) : -Where the wave starts -Doesn’t affect sound unless there is more than one wave.

13 Example waves } } } High and low frequencies High and low amplitudes Different phase values

14 Getting Help 1. Highlight just the name of the synth/message you want help with (not or other bits). 2.Type ⌘ +d. 3.The relevant help window should pop up. Also… You can also search the documentation by going to Help->Browse and Search documentation. Have a look in the UGens section. Cut and paste the examples into your file window and try them out. (Tour_of_Ugens is a great place to start).

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