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II A L.S. “don L. Milani” B. Chierchia A. Saggese D. Storzillo S. Somma Italian national holidays.

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Presentation on theme: "II A L.S. “don L. Milani” B. Chierchia A. Saggese D. Storzillo S. Somma Italian national holidays."— Presentation transcript:

1 II A L.S. “don L. Milani” B. Chierchia A. Saggese D. Storzillo S. Somma Italian national holidays

2 25 th April Liberation Day Italy reminds the Liberation from Nazi-fascism !

3 During the Second World War Italy was divided in two parts : in the North the Fascists formed the Italian “Social Republic”, while in the south they formed the “Badoglio Government”. To fight the Nazi domination the Resistance was organized by the Partisans. On 25 th April 1945 the Partisans, supported by the Allies, became victorious in the most famous Italian cities, paving the way to the liberation process of Italy from the fascist oppression.

4 April 25 th : the celebration of the Liberation It represents the transition from dictatorship to democracy. It is the celebration of the country unity and it always reminds that in those years men and women died to assure us democratic rights we can enjoy today.

5 National Day The Italian National Day is celebrated on 2 nd June to commemorate the birth of the Republic! 2 nd June

6 On 2 nd and 3 rd June 1946, after the fall of Fascism, the Institutional Referendum was held by universal suffrage and the Italian people were asked to choose between Monarchy or Republic. After 85 years of monarchy Italy became a Republic and the kings of the House of Savoy were exiled.

7 On 13 th June, Humbert II, "the King of May" (May 10 th - June13 th 1946), left for his exile and the XII transitory provision of the new Constitution forbade the exercise of political rights to the members and descendants of the House of Savoy and it forbade the male descendants of the family to enter Italy. The Savoys returned to Italy only on 15 th March, 2003, after 57 years of exile. The national holiday of 2 nd June, date of the Italian Republic setting up, was established in 1949. In 1977 it was cancelled because of the large number of bank holidays and their negative effect on the productivity of the country and the celebrations were moved to the first Sunday of the country. The festival was revived in 2001 as a fundamental part of Italian historical memory. Enrico De Nicola the first President

8 Despite any attempts made to divide Italy...our Republic has gone on for 151 years and we want to work hard because this can continue for ever ! ! !

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