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EPR – Education for Personal Relationships

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1 EPR – Education for Personal Relationships

2 Whilst it is not compulsory for
primary schools to teach Relationship and Sex Education, the policy of the Diocese is that schools do teach this subject. The fundamental vocation of every human being is to love. John Paul II wrote: “Humans cannot live without love. They remain a being that is incomprehensible for themselves, their

3 EPR Policy Equal opportunities:
At St. Joseph’s School, we are committed to racial equality and equality of opportunities in all aspects of school life. Education in Personal Relationships will be delivered in line with the School’s Equal Opportunities and Racial Equality Policies and within an atmosphere of mutual respect. Resources selected to support the programme will be free from cultural bias whenever possible and avoid gender stereotyping. Education in Personal Relationships will be available to all pupils regardless of race, gender, culture or disability.

4 Implementation Education in Personal Relationships will be taught in the context of marriage. Topics and themes may be repeated from year to year in greater depth, taking account of pupils’ development and our RE Scheme of Work – God Matters. At St. Joseph’s we follow the Education in Personal Relationships scheme recommended by Clifton Diocese.

5 Journey In Love – Sr Jude Groden
Vision Statement To be made in the image of God means to be a person in relationship. It is in this context that our sexuality grows and develops from the moment of our conception.

6 Journey In Love A Journey in Love has as it foundational premise the belief that we are made in the image and likeness of God and, as a consequence, gender and sexuality are God’s gift, reflect God’s beauty and share in the divine creativity.

7 How am I changing? 7 A Journey in Love - Year 3

8 Think of all the people who take care of you
Prayer Think of all the people who take care of you and help you. Generous God, bless and care for them. Amen. 8 A Journey in Love - Year 3

9 SOCIAL How do I help others to make and keep friends?
How do I keep myself safe? How do I take care of others? 9 A Journey in Love - Year 3

10 The Loner 10 A Journey in Love - Year 3
He leans against the playground wall, Smacks his hands against the bricks And other boredom-beating tricks, Traces patterns with his feet, Scuffs to make the tarmac squeak, Back against the wall he stays And never plays. The playground’s quick with life, The beat is strong. Through sharp as a knife Strife doesn’t last long. There is shouting, laughter, song, And a place at the wall For who won’t belong. We pass him running, skipping, walking, In slow huddled groups, low talking, Each in our familiar clique We pass him by and never speak, His loneness is his shell and shield And neither he nor we will yield. He wasn’t there at the wall today, Someone said he’d moved away To another school and place And on the wall where he used to lean Someone had chalked “Watch this space.” 10 A Journey in Love - Year 3

11 Bless our friends and help me to be a better friend.
Prayer Bless our friends and help me to be a better friend. Amen. 11 A Journey in Love - Year 3

12 EMOTIONAL How do you feel when a friend is not there for you?
How do your friends feel when you are not there for them? How can you be a more supportive friend? 12 A Journey in Love - Year 3

13 We will change more before we are grown
boy… …to man 7 A Journey in Love - Year 5

14 Physical changes in boys
Testosterone in the bloodstream triggers changes Muscles and bones develop Voice deepens Some boys get uneven breast development in early puberty Waist thickens Limbs lengthen in proportion to body Shoulders broaden Wet dreams and erections 8 A Journey in Love - Year 5

15 Physical changes in boys continued
Penis and scrotum enlarge Production of sperm and discharge of seminal fluid during ejaculation Adam’s apple enlarges Hair can grow on face, chest and back as well as underarms and pubic area 9 A Journey in Love - Year 5

16 girl… …to woman 10 A Journey in Love - Year 5

17 Physical changes in girls
Breasts develop: they come in all shapes and sizes Hips broaden and waist slims Ovaries produce oestrogen Hormonal activity Menstruation begins (about 12 months after breasts begin to develop) Uterus enlarges Usually start to grow hair on underarm, pubic area and legs Vaginal lining thickens 11 A Journey in Love - Year 5

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