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Curriculum Framework for Mathematics 1 Curriculum Framework for Mathematics Hawaii State Dept. of Education OCISS, Instructional Services Branch.

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Presentation on theme: "Curriculum Framework for Mathematics 1 Curriculum Framework for Mathematics Hawaii State Dept. of Education OCISS, Instructional Services Branch."— Presentation transcript:

1 Curriculum Framework for Mathematics 1 Curriculum Framework for Mathematics Hawaii State Dept. of Education OCISS, Instructional Services Branch

2 Curriculum Framework for Mathematics 2 Outcomes Understand the content and organization of the Mathematics standards Understand the System of Standards Be familiar with the content and organization of the Curriculum Framework for Mathematics

3 Curriculum Framework for Mathematics 3 Curriculum Framework I. General Description of the Mathematics Education Program Definition Rationale Goals Vision & Mission

4 Curriculum Framework for Mathematics 4 Vision and Mission Vision: Current, relevant, research-based instructional practices are a part of each teacher’s classroom repertoire. Students are engaged in stimulating math talk about challenging concepts & processes of important math in rich, meaningful tasks. Math tools and technology are accessible and used in the context of doing mathematics. Teachers collect assessment data of student progress towards meeting the standards. Students take responsibility for their own learning; self-assessments are common occurrences. Professional Development (P.D.) is a key support. Mission: Provide the necessary leadership and supports so all students can make informed choices for post-graduation paths without remediation.

5 Curriculum Framework for Mathematics 5 Curriculum Framework II. The Mathematics Standards The Need for Standards The Setting of the Standards The Organization of the Standards The Relationship to the GLOs The System of Standards

6 Curriculum Framework for Mathematics 6 The Mathematics Standards Strands: Number and Operations (3) Measurement (1) Geometry and Spatial Sense (4) Patterns, Functions, and Algebra (2) Data Analysis, Statistics, and Probability (4)

7 Curriculum Framework for Mathematics 7 The System of Standards CONTENT STANDARDS K-12 statements WHAT: know, be able to do, care about Essential content (concepts, processes, facts, generalizations) of a content area

8 Curriculum Framework for Mathematics 8 The System of Standards Benchmarks Describe more specifically what the content standard is by the end of a grade level cluster. Identify WHEN students can reasonably be expected to know a given content. Are clustered to acknowledge different rates of learning, and to provide flexibility for curricular choice.

9 Curriculum Framework for Mathematics 9 The System of Standards PERFORMANCE STANDARDS …describe evidence of student learning required to meet standards. They include: Student Work Performance Indicators Commentary

10 Curriculum Framework for Mathematics 10 The System of Standards Performance Indicators - Describe what should be in student work. - Are organized by grade levels and linked to a standard and benchmarks. - Are descriptors of student learning toward a standard. - Reflect growing sophistication required in student work and performance.

11 Curriculum Framework for Mathematics 11 The System of Standards Performance Assessment - Students use what they have learned and demonstrate proficiency of the standard(s) - Measure of whether or not AND to what degree students have met the standard(s)

12 Curriculum Framework for Mathematics 12 The System of Standards Criteria - Scope or characteristics of standards for judging student work - Not to be confused with product/performance expectations Rubrics - Scoring guides; bridge between standards and assessments - Elements: Dimensions/Scale; Descriptors

13 Curriculum Framework for Mathematics 13 III. Assessment, Curriculum, & Instruction STANDARDS Instruction Curriculum Student Work Assessment Informal Formal Formative Summative

14 Curriculum Framework for Mathematics 14 IV. Bibliography, Resources, and Glossary V. Appendix Tab: Scope and Sequence Tab: Grade Level Performance Indicators

15 Curriculum Framework for Mathematics 15 Resources Math Puzzles is a collection of interactive games that give practice in basic logic and arithmetic. Performance Assessments Links for Mathematics provides complete lesson plans and accompanying scoring guides for different grade-level clusters. Cyberchase is a new PBS animated, adventure TV series about problem solving and math. On the Web, kids play interactive games & teachers access lesson plans.

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