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Exam 2 covers Ch , Lecture, Discussion, HW, Lab

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1 Exam 2 covers Ch. 28-33, Lecture, Discussion, HW, Lab
Exam 2 is Tue. Oct. 28, 5:30-7 pm, Ch Chapter 28: Electric flux & Gauss’ law Chapter 29: Electric potential & work Chapter 30: Electric potential & field (exclude 30.7) Chapter 31: Current & Conductivity Chapter 32: Circuits (exclude 32.8) Chapter 33: Magnetic fields & forces (exclude 33.3, 33.6, 32.10, Hall effect)

2 Electric flux E = EA cos  Flux SI units are N·m2/C
Suppose surface make angle  surface normal Component || surface Component  surface Only  component ‘goes through’ surface Other component is parallel to the surface E = EA cos  E =0 if E parallel A E = EA (max) if E  A Flux SI units are N·m2/C

3 Gauss’ law net electric flux through closed surface = charge enclosed / 

4 Properties of conductors
everywhere inside a conductor Charge in conductor is only on the surface surface of conductor - +

5 Gauss’ law example: Charges on parallel-plate capacitor
Determine fields by superposition Q -Q Apply Gauss’ law: E=0 inside metal E=0 to left No charge on outer surface Apply Gauss’ law: E=0 inside metal E=Q/Ao in middle Area A=Length X Width

6 Electric potential: general
Electric potential energy difference U proportional to charge q that work is done on Electric potential difference Depends only on charges that create E-fields Electric field usually created by some charge distribution. V(r) is electric potential of that charge distribution V has units of Joules / Coulomb = Volts

7 Electric Potential Electric potential energy per unit charge units of Joules/Coulomb = Volts Example: charge q interacting with charge Q Electric potential energy Electric potential of charge Q Q source of the electric potential, q ‘experiences’ it

8 Example: Electric Potential
y Calculate the electric potential at B B x d d2=4 m -12 μC +12 μC A - + Calculate the electric potential at A d1=3 m 3 m 3 m Calculate the work YOU must do to move a Q=+5 mC charge from A to B. Work done by electric fields

9 Work and electrostatic potential energy
Question: How much work would it take YOU to assemble 3 negative charges? A. W = mJ B. W = mJ C. W= 0 Likes repel, so YOU will still do positive work! q3 −3μC 5 m 5 m q2 q1 −1μC −2μC 5 m electric potential energy of the system increases

10 Potential from electric field
Electric field can be used to find changes in potential Potential changes largest in direction of E-field. Smallest (zero) perpendicular to E-field V=Vo

11 Electric Potential and Field
Uniform electric field of What is the electric potential difference VA-VB? A x y 2m 5m B A) -12V B) +12V C) -24V D) +24V

12 Conductor: electric potential proportional to charge:
Capacitors Conductor: electric potential proportional to charge: C = capacitance: depends on geometry of conductor(s) +Q -Q d Area A Example: parallel plate capacitor Energy stored in a capacitor:

13 Stored energy Isolated charged capacitor Plate separation increased
The stored energy Increases Decreases Does not change A) B) C) q unchanged because C isolated q is the same E is the same = q/(Aε0) ΔV increases = Ed C decreases U increases

14 Spherical capacitor Charge Q moved from outer to inner sphere
Gauss’ law says E=kQ/r2 until second sphere Potential difference Gaussian surface to find E Along path shown + Path to find V

15 Conductors, charges, electric fields
Electrostatic equilibrium No charges moving No electric fields inside conductor. Electric potential is constant everywhere Charges on surface of conductors. Not equilibrium Charges moving (electric current) Electric fields inside conductors -> forces on charges. Electric potential decreases around ‘circuit’

16 Electric current Average current: Instantaneous value: L
SI unit: ampere 1 A = 1 C / s n = number of electrons/volume n x AL electrons travel distance L = vd Δt Iav = ΔQ/ Δt = neAL vd /L Current density J= I/A = nqvd (direction of + charge carriers)

17 Resistance and resistivity
Ohm’s Law: ΔV = R I (J = σ E or E = ρ J) ΔV = EL and E = ρ J => ρ I/A = ΔV/L R = ρL/A Resistance in ohms (Ω)

18 Current conservation I2 Iin I1 I3 I1=I2+I3 I1 I3 Iout I2 Iout = Iin

19 Resistors in Series and parallel
I1 = I2 = I Req = R1+R2 Parallel V1 = V2 = V Req = (R1-1+R2-1)-1 I1+I2 I R1 R2 R1 R1+R2 I = = I1 I2 R2 I 2 resistors in series: R  L Like summing lengths

20 Quick Quiz What happens to the brightness of bulb A when the switch is closed? Gets dimmer Gets brighter Stays same Something else

21 Quick Quiz What is the current through resistor R1? R1=200Ω R4=100Ω 9V
5 mA 10 mA 20 mA 30 mA 60 mA 6V Req=100Ω Req=50Ω 9V 3V

22 Capacitors as circuit elements
Voltage difference depends on charge Q=CV Current in circuit Q on capacitor changes with time Voltage across cap changes with time

23 Capacitors in parallel and series
ΔV1 = ΔV2 = ΔV Qtotal = Q1 + Q2 Ceq = C1 + C2 Q1=Q2 =Q ΔV = ΔV1+ΔV2 1/Ceq = 1/C1 + 1/C2 Parallel Series

24 Example: Equivalent Capacitance
C1 = 30 μF C2 = 15 μF C3 = 15 μF C4 = 30 μF in series C2 V C3 C1 C4 Parallel combination Ceq=C1||C2

25 RC Circuits Start w/uncharged C Close switch at t=0
Discharge R C ε R C RC Circuits Time constant Start w/uncharged C Close switch at t=0 Start w/charged C Close switch at t=0

26 Question What is the current through R1 Immediately after the switch is closed? 10V R1=100Ω R2=100Ω C=1µF A. 10A B. 1 A C. 0.1A D. 0.05A E. 0.01A

27 Question What is the charge on the capacitor a long time after the switch is closed? 10V R1=100Ω R2=100Ω C=1µF A. 0.05µC B. 0.1µC C. 1µC D. 5µC E. 10µC

28 RC Circuits What is the value of the time constant of this circuit?
A) 6 ms B) 12 ms C) 25 ms D) 30 ms

29 FB on a Charge Moving in a Magnetic Field, Formula
FB = q v x B FB is the magnetic force q is the charge v is the velocity of the moving charge B is the magnetic field SI unit of magnetic field: tesla (T) CGS unit: gauss (G): 1 T = 104 G (Earth surface 0.5 G)

30 Magnetic Force on a Current
Force on each charge Force on length of wire Force on straight section of wire, length L Current N Magnetic force S Magnetic field

31 Magnetic field from long straight wire: Direction
y What direction is the magnetic field from an infinitely-long straight wire? x I = permeability of free space r = distance from wire

32 Current loops & magnetic dipoles
Current loop produces magnetic dipole field. Magnetic dipole moment: Area of loop current magnitude direction In a uniform magnetic field Magnetic field exerts torque Torque rotates loop to align with

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