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LAB 5: Exploring for Petroleum Key Q: How is petroleum found?

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Presentation on theme: "LAB 5: Exploring for Petroleum Key Q: How is petroleum found?"— Presentation transcript:

1 LAB 5: Exploring for Petroleum Key Q: How is petroleum found?

2 Formation of petroleum and natural gas Forms from marine plants & animals that die-sink-begin to decay-become buried. If temperature conditions are right oil or natural gas will form, and can collect underground in areas called reservoirs.

3 Geology of Petroleum Deposits SRS Source, Reservoir, Seal

4 Geology of Petroleum Deposits Three conditions must be present for oil & natural gas reservoirs to form: SRS: Source, Reservoir, Seal –Source rock: shale rich in organic matter buried deep enough for it to turn into oil; Source of the oil –Reservoir: porous sedimentary rock (usually limestone or sandstone) that the oil can flow through & collect in. –Seal: dense rock that stops the oil from rising up to the surface.

5 Methods of Exploration Geologists map the rocks & project down –Looking for SRS

6 Methods of Exploration Seismic exploration –Create a small explosion and study how density difference cause waves to refract & reflect GEOPHONES Electronic receivers that pick up refracted vibrations in rock or other solid material (use differences in density)

7 Methods of Exploration Drill test wells Method is very Expensive $$$$$

8 How is oil found and made into everyday things??

9 The Ugly Oil Oil: BP Oil Spill 2010 Coal Coal: Clip "The Last Mountain" Coal ash disaster 2008 Natural Gas Hydraulic Fracturing Natural Gas: Clip "Gasland"

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