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TOPIC: Metals vs Nonmetals Do Now: grab a lab up front and start filling in the symbols and atomic number for the elements Replace Calcium with Silicon.

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Presentation on theme: "TOPIC: Metals vs Nonmetals Do Now: grab a lab up front and start filling in the symbols and atomic number for the elements Replace Calcium with Silicon."— Presentation transcript:

1 TOPIC: Metals vs Nonmetals Do Now: grab a lab up front and start filling in the symbols and atomic number for the elements Replace Calcium with Silicon and Manganese with Cadmium

2 Classifying the Elements
2/3 (67%) of elements are metals Remaining elements: non-metals & metalloids (semi-metals) Metalloids: some properties of metals & some properties of nonmetals Staircase: dividing line between metals & nonmetals elements to left are metals (except H) elements to right are non-metals


4 Properties of Metals Malleable – flattened into sheets
Ductile – drawn into wires & tubes have Luster Good Conductors of heat & electricity Solid at room temperature (except Hg) Metals lose electrons & form positive ions “Metals are losers” Most reactive metal is Fr Most reactive family is Alkali Metals

5 So…metals don’t want electrons, they want to get rid of them

6 Properties of Nonmetals
generally gases or solids (except Br2) solids are Brittle solids are Dull poor conductors of heat & electricity Nonmetals gain electrons & form negative ions “Nonmetals are winners” Most reactive nonmetal is F Properties: OPPOSITE of metals

7 So…nonmetals love electrons, they want to take electrons

8 Properties of Metalloids
4 on right of staircase: B,Si,As,Te, 2 on left of staircase: Ge,Sb Each metalloid has some metallic and some nonmetallic properties Example:Si shiny like metal but brittle like nonmetal

9 Most elements are solid at room temperature
GASES Elements that are gases at STP Diatomics: H2, N2, O2, F2, Cl2 Monatomics: noble gases He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, Rn Liquids (only 2 at room temp.) Br2 (non-metal) and Hg (metal)

10 Allotropes Different forms of element in same phase
different structures and properties O2 and O3 - both gas phase O2 (oxygen) - necessary for life O3 (ozone) - toxic to life Graphite, diamond: both carbon in solid form

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