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Moon-Planet and Exoplanet-Star Couplings: Common Electrodynamic Interaction Mechanisms Throughout the Universe Joachim Saur, Timo Grambusch, Stefan Duling.

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Presentation on theme: "Moon-Planet and Exoplanet-Star Couplings: Common Electrodynamic Interaction Mechanisms Throughout the Universe Joachim Saur, Timo Grambusch, Stefan Duling."— Presentation transcript:

1 Moon-Planet and Exoplanet-Star Couplings: Common Electrodynamic Interaction Mechanisms Throughout the Universe Joachim Saur, Timo Grambusch, Stefan Duling University of Cologne, Germany

2 Magnetic coupling: Satellite-planet Clarke et al., 2002

3 Magnetic coupling: Planet-star Radial distribution of Exoplanets Evidence for Planet-Star Coupling: HD 179949 Skolnik et al. (2003, 2005, 2008) Ca 3947 A line correlation with orbital period of 3.1 d Energy flux: 10 20 W

4 Our aim: Electromagnetic planet-star interaction for exoplanets has been studied by: – Ip et al. (2004), – Preusse et al. (2005, 2006) – Grießmeier et al. (2004, 2007) – Zarka (2007) – Lanza (2008, 2009) – Nichols (2011) – Poppenhaeger et a. (2010, 2011) This work: Energetics of the coupling, which is dominated by the Poynting flux.

5 Model for energy flux Calculate Poynting flux S= (E x B)/μ 0 Based on Alfven wing model by Neubauer (1980). Kivelson et al. 2004 Neubauer 1998 With internal field Exoplanet geometry Standard case

6 Total Poynting flux launched at satellite/planet Limitation: No considerations about the fate of the energy along the flux tube No partially reflection/transmission (Hess et al. 2010a,2010b) considered. No nonlinear reflection at central body (Jacobsen et al. 2007) considered. No conversion of Poynting flux into particle acceleration considered.

7 Benchmarking at Jupiter and Saturn Io: – Theory: 2 x 10 12 W – UV Observations: 1-10 x 10 10 W Europa: – Theory: 1-7 x 10 10 W – UV Observations: 1-5 x 10 8 W Ganymede: – Theory: 1-3 x 10 11 W – UV Observations: 2-15 x 10 8 W Callisto: – Theory: 0.3-6 x 10 9 W Enceladus: – Theory: 2x10 8 W – UV Observations: 10 6 -10 7 W

8 Estimated M A at all known 562 * exoplanets * until last Friday

9 Poynting flux for 192 exoplanets with M A <1

10 Summary Electromagnetic planet star coupling is possible if relative flow velocity < Alfven velocity. 192 of 562 exoplanets exhibit sub-Alfvenic interaction. Only a few exoplanets generate energy fluxes large enough to be detectable. HD 179949 b produces 10 20 W if both exoplanet and star have magnetic fields 10 x stronger than Jupiter and sun, respectively.



13 Parker Model for Properties near 564 Exoplanets

14 Modelled Energy Flux: HD179949 and companion T S = 9d, F M = 10 10 kg/s, r=0.045 AU, R S =1.19 R sun, T=10 7 K, spectral class: F8V


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