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TIMS An innovation on the revenue side.. VISION Efficient & transparent tax administration Decision Support System for the government both on the revenue.

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Presentation on theme: "TIMS An innovation on the revenue side.. VISION Efficient & transparent tax administration Decision Support System for the government both on the revenue."— Presentation transcript:

1 TIMS An innovation on the revenue side.

2 VISION Efficient & transparent tax administration Decision Support System for the government both on the revenue and the expenditure side Move towards e-governance and consequent benefits to the government, dealers and the citizens in general Link up with the North Eastern states in particular and the rest of the nation technologically so as to reduce tax evasion

3 Project execution steps High level Steering Committee with technical experts to guide the project to completion and give it new directions. This also helps in getting government approvals quickly for essential technological purchases Core teams for- Software development Hardware & network matters Testing of software Training of manpower On-line practice System operationalisation

4 TIMS includes All Acts of taxation covered by the system. System includes modules like– Goods information System (Check Post), Registration, Returns, Assessment, Payments, Recovery, Vigilance & Head Office System has unique security features Efforts have been made to make the tax office a paperless office in the future through this technology.

5 The System in Place 77 locations (offices of tax department) all over the state provided with computers These locations connected to the head office through leased line and V-sat connectivity. 11 Check gates also connected to the head office relaying on a 24 hour basis the flow of goods into and outside the state. The dealers file automatically being updated from the check gate and so the tax collection automatically being calculated. Filing system integrated with the tax system.

6 Future Scope Integration with Banks for e-payment Inter-active web-site for dealers so that the necessary documents can be downloaded without having to visit the tax office. E-returns through the interactive website

7 Accruing Benefits Steady Revenue increase after gestation period Systematic recording, processing & storage of data is taking place and dealers data cannot now be lost in files and is available at the click of a mouse Tax administration has become transparent and more efficient as analysis of dealer data has become possible at appropriate levels

8 Accruing Benefits (Contd) Efficient and skilled workforce is being created Manpower utilization has been optimized Policy impact of taxation proposals can be better analyzed and linkages with the expenditure side established. Expenditure can be better planned.

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