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The 5 Fantastic Lakes of Michigan!

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Presentation on theme: "The 5 Fantastic Lakes of Michigan!"— Presentation transcript:

1 The 5 Fantastic Lakes of Michigan!

2 The 5 Great Lakes names! The 5 Great Lakes are named Erie, Huron, Superior, Michigan, Ontario. The lakes that touch Michigan are; Huron, Superior, Michigan, and Erie.

3 How the lakes were formed.
The lakes were formed by glacier Laurentide. It was 4 kilometers thick. The ice age lasted 18,000 years.

4 Why the lakes still change.
The water rises 7.5 centimeters every 100 years. The rebound of the landform also changed from the weight of the glaciers.

5 The countries and agreement for the lakes
The two countries that share the lakes are Canada and Michigan. The name of the agreement of the Great Lakes is the Boundary Water Treaty.

6 The Saint Lawrence Seaway.
How do you take a boat from Detroit to Europe? The Saint Lawrence Seaway of course and yes you can!

7 Species that hurt the Great Lakes.
Four species that hurt the Great Lakes are… Hydrilla The Asian Carp The Sea Lamprey Zebra mussels We don’t want these species in our famous lakes.

8 How the exotic species get into the Great Lakes
One of the ways the species get into the Great lakes is by “Ballast Water” Ships from other countries bring the species in this water. The water gets dumped by the ships and the water mixes.

9 Protect the 5 fantastic lakes
You can help protect the Great lakes by not polluting or throwing in trash. Oil damages the lakes and wildlife living there.

10 FUN FACTS Did you know that the first letters of the Great Lakes spells the word “HOMES”? Did you know that Lake Superior is the largest Great Lake? Did you know that combining Lake Huron, Ontario, Erie, and Michigan together wouldn't equal the size of lake Superior? Which Great Lake does not touch Michigan? We know…do you?

11 Go catch a wave with the Great Lakes!

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