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Welcome to 8 th Grade Literacy Ms. Danielle Knoeppel.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 8 th Grade Literacy Ms. Danielle Knoeppel."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 8 th Grade Literacy Ms. Danielle Knoeppel

2 A little About me!

3 Office Hours Ms. Knoeppel OFFICE HOURS Tuesday 2:35 – 3:20

4 Expectations O Attend class daily O Bring appropriate materials and supplies O Demonstrate respect for people and property O Take responsibility for own behavior and learning O Use time and resources responsibly O Share responsibilities when working as a member of a group O Be responsible for obtaining any notes and/ or making up any class work, tests, or quizzes if class is missed for any reason

5 How will your child be graded? O Classwork20% Worksheets O Home Learning 5 % Once a week! O Quizzes25% Notebook checks 1 unit piece Midterm & Final O Tests50% Unit piece Notebook final grade Presentations Projects

6 Reading Exams 1.Quarterly 1(November) 2.Midterm (January) 3.Quarterly 3 (March/April) 4.Final (June) *Reading comprehension (Narrative & Informational) Writing Assessments 1.Mid unit publishing 2.End of unit publishing 3.On Demand writing PARCC Assessment End of Year Assessment *April(Window of dates) Notebook Assessments *Mid and End of unit assessments

7 Reading UnitsWriting Units Reading Analytically across Genres: Recognizing Archetypes and Allusions Quick Lit Essays and Fan Fiction Fantasy & Dystopia Literature Literary Essay: Analyzing Craft and Theme* Critical Non-fiction Research across Texts Position Papers and Speeches: Research and Argument Investigative Journalism Approaching the Classics Memoir: Writing to Reflect Analyzing PoetryPoetry: Immersion and Innovation

8 REMIND O Parents access: Send a text to 81010 Message= @knoeppelsp O This will allow me to send out text blasts to remind parents of important school and class happenings as well as answer any questions quickly.

9 Help Our Classroom! O Over the summer I raise close to $400 to have 2 tablets donated to the classroom through this website. Also through friends and family I was able to raise another $300 for organization and reading materials O I am now asking my students and their guardians to help raise money for classroom supplies and resources. O

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