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Goldcorp’s SAP Journey

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1 Goldcorp’s SAP Journey
Transforming our Financial Reporting Olivier Van Der Elst, Senior SAP FICO Consultant (SAP Project Manager), Goldcorp Nathalie Rierson, Senior Territory Manager (Canada), Excel4apps Carlos Chalico, Director Eastern Region, Ouest Business Solutions

2 Agenda Introductions Goldcorp Overview
The SAP Financials Project at Goldcorp Generating value Mine-wide business process integration Key Attributes Benefits from the implementation The Cost Attribute Results Challenges The Solution What’s Next Q&A

3 Overview Founded in 1954 Engaged in the exploration, development, and operation, of gold and other precious metal properties HQ in Vancouver Mine operations in Canada, USA, Mexico and Central and South America World’s second largest gold producer Employs more than 19,000 people worldwide 70% growth planned for next 4 years

4 Generating value with SAP
2006 – 2008 – To date Key Challenges Integrate two mining operations Enable real time consolidation of cost and profit financial information Gain mine-wide view of equipment, costs and maintenance Align activities with maintenance, repair and operations needs Integrate production planning with other business processes Why SAP Mine-wide business process integration Support for core mining processes Feedback from users at acquired mine Competitive cost of ownership validated by other mid-market customers Strong compliance functionality and support for multiple currencies Ability to integrate with other systems at mines and corporate offices Continued to perform improvements, extended implementation, added more sites/companies as Goldcorp grows Now all Canadian legal entities on one SAP instance

5 Generating value with SAP
User Experience HR Analytics Mobility Personas Simplify data entry & workflow Create a seamless & intuitive user experience Shorten the time to train users on SAP SuccessFactors Provide next generation learning tools and content Better Track workflow metrics and performance Simplify HR operations and have one version of HR Data HANA/ BI Need real time visibility into our business – not week old reports Take quick decisions by rapidly analyzing asset info, operational metrics, financial data Syclo Mobile Platform Bring content/ workflow to where our employees are (not the other way) Focus on user experience/ content and not on technology Grow People Grow People/ Grow Margins Grow Production/ Grow Margins Grow Safety/ Grow People

6 SAP Financials Project at Goldcorp
Committed to responsible mining practices and positioned to deliver sustained, industry-leading growth and performance, Goldcorp is focused on the following key attributes to achieve its goals: Quality growth Low cash costs Cost management Maintaining a peer-leading balance sheet Operating in regions with low political risk Conducting business in a responsible manner.

7 SAP Financials Project at Goldcorp
Financial and Strategic Benefits from the SAP implementation: Mine-wide business process integration Accelerated integration of mining operations Integrated production and back-office processes Gained real-time visibility of costs and production processes Reduced headcount in financials Improved tracking of assets, costs, and preventive maintenance programs Enhanced management of supplier spend Coordinated production efforts with supporting business operations

8 COST GOALS SAP Financials Project at Goldcorp Quality Growth
Maintaining a Peer-Leading Balance Sheet

9 SAP Financials Project at Goldcorp
Challenges Changing requirements and standards for financial reports Core users need to turn around reports quickly and preferably without having to log a ticket for support or help System performance with some reports Standard SAP reports not enough; some of them stop just shy of providing everything needed Relying on IT and turnaround times is not sustainable For some key decision data, must combine 2-3 reports which slows down month end process

10 SAP Financials Project at Goldcorp
Facing the challenges A solution was needed Knew about Excel4Apps and GL Wand from ASUG British Columbia Chapter Meetings in 2013 Users were/are very familiar with MS Excel Meanwhile: We were developing several reports in BW Relying heavily on our IT department Change requests took several days or even weeks We discussed the need for an ad-hoc reporting tool with our finance leadership community as well as with Ouest

11 SAP Financials Project at Goldcorp
Implementing the solution: It was anticipated that GL Wand would eliminate the time required to wait for our (IT) group to build FI/CO Reports We finally decided to get the tool Implementing GL Wand Excel ad-in took less then a day Designing the required MS Excel reports and training took about a month Defined specific Reports: Cost Reports per mine cell per Mining Method for Red Lake (multiple dimensions – more than 40 sub reports) Month-end Cost Analysis Review reports

12 SAP Financials Project at Goldcorp
Cost Analysis per Mine Cell: Mine Cells Mine

13 SAP Financials Project at Goldcorp
Cost Analysis per Mine Cell:

14 SAP Financials Project at Goldcorp
Month-End Cost Review:

15 SAP Financials Project at Goldcorp
Live Demonstration of a Cost Center ad-hoc Report

16 What’s Next Our reports generation process is refreshed with live SAP data instantly or with minor delays BPC for Consolidation We are in the process of designing the Top Ten Cost Report We will expand the benefits of this reporting model, now our mine with the most complex operation is the one using GL Wand Add users to Red Lake Include the usage of RDM (Report Distribution Manager) We will add users to Red Lake Expansion to other sites and countries

17 Goldcorp’s SAP Journey
Thank you. Questions? Goldcorp’s SAP Journey Transforming our Financial Reporting Olivier Van Der Elst, Senior SAP FICO Consultant (SAP Project Manager), Goldcorp Nathalie Rierson, Senior Territory Manager (Canada), Excel4apps Carlos Chalico, Director Eastern Region, Ouest Business Solutions Inc.

18 Evaluate This Session Provide feedback via
this short survey Provide event feedback in the same survey

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