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New MR Repository & Security Universal Object Access Brian A Suter VP WebFOCUS Product Development November 16, 2015 Copyright 2009, Information Builders.

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Presentation on theme: "New MR Repository & Security Universal Object Access Brian A Suter VP WebFOCUS Product Development November 16, 2015 Copyright 2009, Information Builders."— Presentation transcript:

1 New MR Repository & Security Universal Object Access Brian A Suter VP WebFOCUS Product Development November 16, 2015 Copyright 2009, Information Builders. Slide 1

2 76x Security Structure - Review Copyright 2009, Information Builders. Slide 2

3 WebFOCUS Managed Reporting Security Release 76x and Earlier  Internal (default) repository stored as HTM files on Application Server (basedir)  Authentication – Internal or External  Authorization - Internal or External (RDBMS, Active Directory, LDAP) using Realm Driver Browser Machine Application Server/ Web Server WebFOCUS Server WF Servlet & MR (Internal) Repository DB2 Oracle Sybase Informix Teradata… MR (External) Authorization (SQL RDBMS, Active Directory, LDAP) Java Client External Authentication

4 WebFOCUS 76x Managed Reporting Security User Authorization Groups Users Domains Reports Role(*) Launch Pages Documents Role is assigned directly to user. A user has only ONE role.

5 77x Repository and Security Copyright 2009, Information Builders. Slide 5

6 77 Repository  File System model:  Domains are top level folders  N-depth folder/file tree  No special purpose folders  Implemented in RDMS tables  Derby shipped and installed  Any RDBMS supported  Audit, backup, clustering  Special rules eliminated Copyright 2009, Information Builders. Slide 6

7 Groups & Users  Groups  Groups can have sub-groups, sub-sub-groups, etc.  Users are assigned to Groups (or sub-groups)  Users can belong to multiple groups  All users are in the EVERYONE group  User Authorizations  Group membership usually  authorization  Matches standard LDAP/AD models  User “flags” eliminated  User Management Copyright 2009, Information Builders. Slide 7

8 Security Rules  All rules have 3 parts:  A subject (Groups or Users) – the WHO  Has permitted operations – the WHAT  On some Folder (a resource) – the WHERE  Examples:  Group RepDev has Developer on folder /Sales  Group EVERYONE has RunReports on folder /Sales  WHO – WHAT – WHERE Copyright 2009, Information Builders. Slide 8

9 Security Rules (continued)  Permissions are inherited down the tree  RepDev inherits Developer permissions on folder /Sales/Forcasts  Single User can have specific rules on every object  Folder or file  Recommend only as the exception! Copyright 2009, Information Builders. Slide 9

10 Different roles on different folders Copyright 2009, Information Builders. Slide 10

11 Permissions Sets - WHAT  Named list of permissions on very granular operations  WF ships with a set of defined permission sets  Customers can create their own  Reusable for multiple rules  Usually declare what a subject can DO (permit)  Can declare what can not be done (deny)  Abilities are never implied  if an individual operation is not permitted or denied – it is an effective deny  WHO – WHAT - WHERE Copyright 2009, Information Builders. Slide 11

12 Creating and controlling Rules  “Access Rules” context menu choice  Specifies the WHERE of the rules to be created  Users need to be permitted to change rules on a resource  Group to sub-group inheritance  A rule for a group is inherited by sub-groups  WHO - WHAT – WHERE Copyright 2009, Information Builders. Slide 12

13 Example of setting Access Rules Copyright 2009, Information Builders. Slide 13

14 Permission Sets – List of Operations  Everything is an operation:  Create file, Create folder, Run report, Run differed, Schedule a report, Manage schedules, Create access lists, Create distribution lists, Update properties, Update Execution properties, Read file, Write file, Delete, Change Ownership, Share,...  Launch InfoAssist, Launch Editor, Launch security central, Launch RC admin, Launch developer Studio tools,...  Create groups, Assign users to groups, Make rules for the Group (group as subject), Share with Group,...  Create User, Update user status/password,...  Create PSET, Update PSET, Delete PSET,... Copyright 2009, Information Builders. Slide 14

15 Private Files & Folders (aka MyReports)  Private files can exist anywhere you allow them  Private folders recommended  Private files can be owned by users or by Groups  “In development”  Private files can be shared  With specific groups/users  Two special Permission-Sets:  Owners have PrivateFilePermissions on PrivateFiles  Sharees have SharedFilePermissions on SharedFiles  WHO – WHAT - WHERE Copyright 2009, Information Builders. Slide 15

16 Example of setting Shares Copyright 2009, Information Builders. Slide 16

17 User and Group Administration  Users are permitted operations to act on groups  Create sub-groups  Assign users to groups  Assign users from groups  Manage users in groups  Names, passwords  User management  GlobalUserAdmin has ManageUsers on /EVERYONE Copyright 2009, Information Builders. Slide 17

18 Everything is a Resource – a WHERE  /WFC  /Repository  Sales Domain, etc.  /UserInfo – preference files, deferred receipts  /SSYS  /GROUPS  /USERS  /PSETS  /WEB - APPROOT application directories  In the works  /VIEWS/viewname/tabname Copyright 2009, Information Builders. Slide 18

19 Thank you! Copyright 2009, Information Builders. Slide 19

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