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1 Status of receivers related activities Damien Prieur University of Pittsburgh 12/01/2010L1Calo Joint Meeting - Heidelberg.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Status of receivers related activities Damien Prieur University of Pittsburgh 12/01/2010L1Calo Joint Meeting - Heidelberg."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Status of receivers related activities Damien Prieur University of Pittsburgh 12/01/2010L1Calo Joint Meeting - Heidelberg

2 12/01/2010L1Calo Joint Meeting - Heidelberg 2 Receivers Software

3 Overhaul of L1GainDb & UsbController packages Improved USB communication Database access implemented Larg_L1MON_A & Larg_L1MON_C segments enabled Right on time before beam ! Thanks to Murrough L., Fatih B. & Henric W. Have to be moved out of the LArg segment (Tile/L1Calo calibration runs) 12/01/2010L1Calo Joint Meeting - Heidelberg 3 Rx Gains - Online Software Receivers Strategy Defines the set of receiver gains to be loaded Selection through dropdown list in L1Calo panel Must be set before CONFIG step ! Controller communication issues Few USB communication errors observed ~1% Not critical, have to re-config the concerned segment

4 12/01/2010L1Calo Joint Meeting - Heidelberg 4 Rx Gains – Database Structure Oracle INTR server Store conditions before start of run Strategy, final gains, DACs & status Factor folders 8192 channels/factors per folder Define Strategies One strategy = set of factor folders Selected on L1Calo panel Gains from different folders are factorized (per channel)

5 12/01/2010L1Calo Joint Meeting - Heidelberg 5 E T Calibration

6 12/01/2010L1Calo Joint Meeting - Heidelberg 6 E T Calibration LArg/L1Calo energy scans Match L1Calo to LArg offline energy Use calibration OFCs Corrections for high voltage, dead channels Correction for disabled FEBs, dead OTX HAD Gains produced in time for beam Thanks to Veit Scharf & Antoine Marzin EMB, EMEC, HEC, Tile EM 1.3 1 0.7 1.5 1 0.4

7 12/01/2010L1Calo Joint Meeting - Heidelberg 7 No calibration for FCAL yet Technical issues to reconstruct LArg energy Problematic towers Few towers with non-optimal calibration Sick TBB EMB/EMEC overlap region All trigger cable installed Have to determine correct length E T Calibration HAD EM

8 12/01/2010L1Calo Joint Meeting - Heidelberg 8 Splashes Correlation plot from Huaqiao Zhang 3% bias for EMB and EMEC To be investigated TBB delays not appropriate Set to calibration instead of physics Few % deviation

9 12/01/2010L1Calo Joint Meeting - Heidelberg 9 B/EC Overlap Region

10 12/01/2010L1Calo Joint Meeting - Heidelberg 10 Overlap cabling Barrel Receiver EMEC Receiver EMB Overlap ‘octopus’ cable 37-pin to 4 x 9-pin connectors EMEC Overlap VGA + ‘E’ connector EMB & EMEC overlap channels summed at the receivers level

11 12/01/2010L1Calo Joint Meeting - Heidelberg 11 ‘E’ connectors EMB Crate EMEC Crate Breakout box Bill Cleland Pittsburgh 4 x 4-pair cables 1 x 16-pair cable Overlap cabling All cables installed Cables prod. & inst. Michel Mathieu Andrei Akimov

12 EMB EMEC 01 01 01 01 10 10 10 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 pair A-Side 12/01/2010 12 L1Calo Joint Meeting - Heidelberg Overlap timing from beam-splash events Octopus cables 5S & 1S were in place Set receiver gains to alternate the EMB/EMEC signal components vs phi connector 20

13 A-Side C-Side EMEC EMB EMEC EMB phi 13 TT to TT timing raisonnable for EMB Unexpected offset between EMB & EMEC… 50 ns 63 ns Overlap timing from beam-splash events Cables longer than nominal values To be on the safe side ~10-15 ns Non nominal TBB delays ~3-6 ns Bug in length calculations ~20 ns Still 15-20 ns to be understood PS rise time ≠ energy fraction [bc] EMEC EMB EMEC EMB 12/01/2010L1Calo Joint Meeting - Heidelberg

14 12/01/2010L1Calo Joint Meeting - Heidelberg 14 Calibration delays set until first collisions Determined from single-layer phos4 runs Then moved to physics delays Based on calibration delays + LAr tool to get physics/calib. time difference Tower Builder Boards delays Back layer is the culprit Most probably bug in calibration cable length used to compute phys/calib difference eta=0.15 (0x00140500): 6 7 7 6 eta=0.05 (0x00100c01): 0 0 0 7 Ps Fr Md Bk Central towers not timed Caused by physics delays

15 12/01/2010L1Calo Joint Meeting - Heidelberg 15 TBB delays database, Paolo working on it Understand physics delays at eta=0 Barrel/End Cap overlap region Have to accumulate data to check/compute timing Understand discrepancies wrt computed values Ongoing work

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