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Marketing Strategies BMI3C. The Marketing Strategy  A marketing strategy outlines how the company will carry out the marketing plan.

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Presentation on theme: "Marketing Strategies BMI3C. The Marketing Strategy  A marketing strategy outlines how the company will carry out the marketing plan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marketing Strategies BMI3C

2 The Marketing Strategy  A marketing strategy outlines how the company will carry out the marketing plan.

3 The Marketing Plan 1. States the marketing goals of the business eg. To introduce a new product; To gain interest in a cause; To promote an idea describes the target markets lists as many competitors as possible 2. Research creates a plan for gathering and analyzing information that will support or alter the initial marketing goals in step 1 3. State how the product will be positioned in the marketplace. Based on steps 1 & 2, this plan should: provide a rationale for these positioning statements describe the methods that are needed to differentiate the product in the market 4.Include a section on selected pricing strategy (a rationale for setting the price)

4 The Marketing Plan 5.Describe the channel of distribution existing channels future distributions to the consumer the logistics involved 6.Set up a promotional proposal.  This section should provide: a rationale for the creation of the advertising message select the media that will be used to convey the message outline the various promotional activities. make a sales forecast based on the new marketing plan indicate how the marketers will monitor the plan’s success

5 Brand Strategies  The primary goal of brand strategy is to show the consumer the value of the product.  The consumer must be convinced that the expectations outweigh the costs. Costs = money + time spent finding the product + energy to acquire and set it up, etc. Cost could also include personal costs (i.e. prestige, status, appearance, reputation, etc.)

6 The value equation  A value equation adds together all the benefits of a product and subtracts the costs involved  The benefits and the costs are assigned values that represent their importance to the consumer  The consumer will only purchase a product if it has a positive value

7 Example  March Break Trip to Cuba BenefitValue /10 Pleasure6 Prestige4 Adventure7 Tan3

8 Example  March Break Trip to Cuba CostValue /10 Monetary Cost10 Health/Safety5 Timing4 Complexity2

9 Example  Total Benefits (20) - Total Costs (21) = -1  Therefore you are unlikely to go on this trip

10 Example  If, however, the Cuban tourism association runs an ad campaign that makes Cuba look awesome, maybe your “pleasure” rating goes up 2 points.  On top of this, they make it look very safe, lowering your “safety” cost by 2 points.  Now:  Total Benefits (22) - Total Costs (19) = +3  Therefore you are likely to go on this trip

11 Brand Image  Packaging, brand names, slogans, and trademarks are used to develop a positive brand image.  This image is communicated to the consumer through advertising and promotional activities.

12 Distribution Strategies  Distribution strategies focus on the best way to deliver a product to the target market.  There are 3 ways to achieve this type of goal: Push Strategy Pull Strategy Combination

13 Push Strategy  Sell the product to the retailer  The idea is that if the product is out there, the consumer will see it & they will buy it  Promotional activities are focused on the distributor Buying incentives (promotional discounts), prizes, display fixtures encourage the store to carry the product.

14 Pull Strategy  Attempts to increase consumer demand directly  Manufacturers try to convince the consumer to buy their brand name product  This requires major advertising and promotional effort  It also requires distribution partners to fulfill the demand – consumers demanding your product can open up new distribution channels

15 Combination  Push and pull strategies are often combined  The pull strategy needs to combine with the push strategy to be effective; however, the push strategy can stand alone

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