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EMPHO regional support to JSNA James Hollinshead EMPHO 28 th May 09.

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Presentation on theme: "EMPHO regional support to JSNA James Hollinshead EMPHO 28 th May 09."— Presentation transcript:

1 EMPHO regional support to JSNA James Hollinshead EMPHO 28 th May 09

2 Aims Outline EMPHO support to JSNA locally What we have done so far What we intend to do Reflections on where PHOs can add value

3 Background Commissioning framework for health and wellbeing (March 2007) Annex A introduced JSNA EMPHO/CSIP coordinated a regional event (for health and social care July 2007) Action plan resulted

4 Main principles Provision of data for the initial core dataset Sharing approaches regionally Signposting toolkits Practical guidance on methodology

5 EMPHO Formulated a work plan to address the points from the regional event In conjunction with the JSNA regional planning group Set up web pages Provide a JSNA lead to respond to queries

6 Data provision The EMPHO JSNA Toolkit Excel toolkit based on the core dataset The toolkit included demographic, health and lifestyle data Information at PCT, LA and when available Ward and Super Output Area level A good start but replaced by other toolkits (SWPHO)

7 Sharing approaches The regional PH intelligence network EMPHIN leads agenda (standing item) EMPHIN forum (sharing of approaches, and information needs etc.) Website links (links to all the local JSNAs)

8 Signposting toolkits

9 Methodology and guidance

10 APHO resource pack (measuring health inequalities, sharing data, statistical validity) Development of the projections methodology Projection methods, EMPHIN forum teaching session

11 The future Agreed work programme with Public Health Intelligence Network SLAs with PCTs (what would be useful region wide) General principles –Region wide work to reduce replication –Provision of small area data –Signposting –Sharing approaches

12 Region wide HES analysis SLA request for analysis of admissions for common diseases Segmentation Projections Benchmarking Ask the PCTs what other analysis is useful

13 HES analysis: admission rate by deprivation quintiles

14 HES analysis: Admission rate by people and places classification

15 HES analysis: forecasting

16 Small area database Provision of region wide data at low geographical levels (LSOA, ward) Mortality, teenage pregnancy, model based lifestyle estimates Region wide analysis more efficient Benchmarking and comparators

17 Signposting and evaluating health intelligence resources Continue to identify and signpost toolkits useful for JSNA Briefings and critiques of resources and tools e.g. SHAPE, forecast pro Signposting increasing in scope to include tools which will contribute to WCC competencies

18 Sharing approaches Continue to keep JSNA on the regional PH intelligence network agenda Sharing of approaches through the regional JSNA group Another event is under consideration –Health and social care representatives

19 Conclusion EMPHO JSNA work included: –Close liaison with the information teams and PCTs (through PH information networks) –Region wide analysis (SLAs can guide this) –Signposting –Sharing approaches Where else can PHOs add value?

20 Any comments or ideas please email:

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