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Overview of the SSNAPP Methodology Lwandle Mqadi.

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Presentation on theme: "Overview of the SSNAPP Methodology Lwandle Mqadi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Overview of the SSNAPP Methodology Lwandle Mqadi

2 Phases based “SSNAPP” The identification phase, The design phase The implementation phase and Monitoring and evaluation phase

3 The Identification Phase (Top down and bottom up approaches) 1. In-country mapping of physical vulnerabilities to climate change and climate variability of both regions/areas and also sectors. Poverty and vulnerability mapping Information from the mapping is then combined by overlaying maps of physical vulnerabilities and poverty distribution. This locates national ‘hot spots’ of climate change/climate variability and poverty. Validation and Verification: Data used to identify the hot spots is verified through the site visits to the “hot-spots” i.e. validation and verification of local climate change impacts and vulnerabilities faced by communities at that level

4 The Design Phase: Partnership building and fundraising takes centre stage during this phase. Activities include: –Identification of key stakeholders within the vulnerable areas (who might be working either on natural resources management issues, disaster mitigation issues, vulnerability and/or development issues) –The signing of a memorandum of understanding with the selected partner institution/s –Drafting of a Project Identification Note based on the key identified vulnerabilities and potential adaptation activities is then initiated.

5 Project Identification Note Development involves: –Understanding the risks and vulnerabilities faced by, and from the perspective of, vulnerable communities; –Understanding of existing institutional structures within the vulnerable communities and other development institutions; –Identifying potential adaptation activities relevant for the vulnerable hot-spots and to the communities; –Drafting of the monitoring and evaluation protocol in terms of implementation. Fundraising: Interaction with potential funders.

6 The Implementation Phase …………………..

7 Monitoring and Evaluation Monitoring and evaluation by the Monitors using indicators focused on the overall adaptation programme’s objective; Monitoring and evaluation by all involved stakeholders using indicators generated by all involved/stakeholders

8 Conclusions –sustainable livelihood activities are not homogeneous and vary from community to community, sector to sector and region to region. –Different types of activities are, therefore, required to enhance the community’s capacity to cope with and combat the adverse impacts of climate variability and change depending on the circumstances

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