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1 Society for Environmental Graphic Design | February 17, 2009 Part 6: Maps, Handouts, the Web and Dynamic Wayfinding.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Society for Environmental Graphic Design | February 17, 2009 Part 6: Maps, Handouts, the Web and Dynamic Wayfinding."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Society for Environmental Graphic Design | February 17, 2009 Part 6: Maps, Handouts, the Web and Dynamic Wayfinding

2 2 Society for Environmental Graphic Design | February 17, 2009 Movement towards Integrated Wayfinding Started in transportation, the evidence based approach that wayfinding should be integrated between signs, web and print based approaches has become a prevalent approach in healthcare facilities.

3 3 Society for Environmental Graphic Design | February 17, 2009

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6 6 Approaches Handouts Maps Kiosks The Web People

7 7 Society for Environmental Graphic Design | February 17, 2009 Handouts Handouts proved to be the most effective in testing with a clear connection between symbols, signs and multiple languages.

8 8 Society for Environmental Graphic Design | February 17, 2009

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10 10 Society for Environmental Graphic Design | February 17, 2009 Maps Maps can be an effective tool but also a wayfinding challenge. A large segment of the population cannot read maps and maps are difficult to design. Effective maps are often combined with directions and other Cues as well as simplified paths.

11 11 Society for Environmental Graphic Design | February 17, 2009

12 12 Society for Environmental Graphic Design | February 17, 2009

13 13 Society for Environmental Graphic Design | February 17, 2009

14 14 Society for Environmental Graphic Design | February 17, 2009 Kiosks Dynamic Wayfinding elements are becoming more prevalent in facilities. Younger users in all cultural groups have grown more comfortable with using them. Effective systems include: Large screens and landmark orientation Integration with other information functions Connection with the web and other systems Connection with print and handouts

15 15 Society for Environmental Graphic Design | February 17, 2009

16 16 Society for Environmental Graphic Design | February 17, 2009

17 17 Society for Environmental Graphic Design | February 17, 2009 The Web Web sites are becoming the methodology many people use to get wayfinding Information. Important features include: Multiple language connection Connection to the physical wayfinding in the facility Extremely simple maps and graphics Accent on wayfinding to the facility

18 18 Society for Environmental Graphic Design | February 17, 2009

19 19 Society for Environmental Graphic Design | February 17, 2009 People Human resources are still among the most effective approaches to wayfinding. Important elements of human assistance include: Strong interpreter connection Linkage to handouts Clear physical help desk structure Clear training and methodology among staff

20 20 Society for Environmental Graphic Design | February 17, 2009

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