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HW/SW Co-design Lecture 2: Lab Environment Setup Course material designed by Professor Yarsun Hsu, EE Dept, NTHU RA: Yi-Chiun Fang, EE Dept, NTHU.

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Presentation on theme: "HW/SW Co-design Lecture 2: Lab Environment Setup Course material designed by Professor Yarsun Hsu, EE Dept, NTHU RA: Yi-Chiun Fang, EE Dept, NTHU."— Presentation transcript:

1 HW/SW Co-design Lecture 2: Lab Environment Setup Course material designed by Professor Yarsun Hsu, EE Dept, NTHU RA: Yi-Chiun Fang, EE Dept, NTHU

2 Outline Hardware Environment Setup Software Environment Setup


4 GR-XC3S-1500 Dev. Board (1/2) Connect the power supply, serial interface, ethernet interface, and JTAG interface Set the IP address of the host PC to, with subnet mask Power supply JTAG interface Ethernet interface Serial interface

5 GR-XC3S-1500 Dev. Board (2/2) Install jumpers JP9 1-2 and 5-6 This sets the FPGA in JTAG configuration mode and allows the configuration process to be controlled from the Host PC via the JTAG cable


7 Xilinx ISE (1/5) 9.2i WEBPACK Extract and install

8 Xilinx ISE (2/5)

9 Xilinx ISE (3/5) Do not check “Launch WebUpdate”

10 Xilinx ISE (4/5) Service Pack 9.2.04i Run the installer to install

11 Xilinx ISE (5/5)

12 Cygwin (1/4) The setup.exe utility tracks the versions of all installed components and provides the mechanism for installing or updating everything available for Cygwinsetup.exe Used Cygwin DLL release version is 1.5.25-15

13 Cygwin (2/4) Remember to choose the Unix text mode

14 Cygwin (3/4) Make sure the following packages are installed autoconfig automake gcc make sharutils tcltk zlib

15 Cygwin (4/4) Start Cygwin from desktop after installation for system initialization

16 BCC & GRMON (1/2) Obtain the Cygwin version of BCC herehere Used version: sparc-elf-3.4.4-1.0.29d- cygwin.tar.bz2 Obtain the Evaluation/Academic version of GRMON herehere Used version: grmon-eval-1.1.32.tar.gz Put the two files in your CYGWIN_INSTALL_DIR\home\USER\

17 BCC & GRMON (2/2) Start Cygwin Under the home of the user mkdir /opt tar zxf grmon-eval-1.1.32.tar.gz -C /opt tar jxf sparc-elf-3.4.4-1.0.29d- cygwin.tar.bz2 -C /opt Open file.bashrc under your home, and append the following line at the end of the file export PATH=/opt/grmon-eval/cygwin: /opt/sparc-elf-3.4.4/bin:$PATH The paths will take effect after Cygwin restart

18 GHDL Obtain GHDL Cygwin build herehere Used version: ghdl-0.27-cygwin.bz2 Put the file in your Cygwin home directory tar jxf ghdl-0.27-cygwin.bz2 -C / Open file.bashrc under your home, and append the following line at the end of the file export PATH="$PATH":/usr/local/ghdl- 0.27/bin The paths will take effect after Cygwin restart

19 GTKWave Obtain GTKWave Windows port and the needed DLLs herehere Used version: GTKWave 3.1.6 Extract the two files into the same folder

20 eCos Library (1/8) Obtain the eCos source package herehere Used version: ecos-rep-1.0.8.tar.gz Put the file in your CYGWIN_INSTALL_DIR\home\USER\ Start Cygwin Under the home of the user tar zxf ecos-rep-1.0.8.tar.gz -C /opt Obtain the eCos Configuration Tool herehere Used version: configtool-2.11-setup.exe Run the installer to install

21 eCos Library (2/8) Start eCos Configuration Tool Choose folder for eCos repository Choose the folder where you just extract your eCos source package (i.e. under your /opt directory) The folder can also be set through Build → Repository

22 eCos Library (3/8) Build → Template Select: LEON3 processor with GRETH ethermac Select “net” under “Packages” to include the TCP/IP stack in the OS Click “Continue” to resolve symbol conflicts

23 eCos Library (4/8) Tools → Paths → Build Tools Choose the ‘bin’ directory under your LEON BCC directory

24 eCos Library (5/8) Tools → Paths → User Tools Choose your /bin directory

25 eCos Library (6/8) Network initialization Make sure “Basic network framework → INET support” is checked to support IP network processing Check “Basic network framework → TFTP (RFC-1350) support” for TFTP support Set up the addresses for the network interface under “Address setups for ‘eth0’”

26 eCos Library (7/8) File → Save The configuration file is for further reconfiguration of eCos Save the file under your home directory (i.e. CYGWIN_INSTALL_DIR\home\USER\ ) You will see three additional folders in your home directory along with your ecc file These folders are later used to link eCos with your application

27 eCos Library (8/8) Build → Library Build the customized eCos library using BCC You should see the build messages in the Configuration Tool Check the messages to see if the build is done Exit the program after building completion

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