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International Section | Leadership & Management Division | College of Management and Technology The Modern Professional MDWSC Georgia Nov/Dec 2011 Colonel.

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Presentation on theme: "International Section | Leadership & Management Division | College of Management and Technology The Modern Professional MDWSC Georgia Nov/Dec 2011 Colonel."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Section | Leadership & Management Division | College of Management and Technology The Modern Professional MDWSC Georgia Nov/Dec 2011 Colonel Andrew Cliffe 1

2 College of Management and Technology Agenda Professionalism. The military professional. Training & education. 2

3 International Section | Leadership & Management Division | College of Management and Technology Professionalism 3

4 College of Management and Technology A Profession A role based on special training, whose purpose is to supply a service to others, for specified compensation, wholly without expectation of other gain. 3 criteria required of a profession: Expertise. Responsibility. Corporate identity. Samuel P Huntington (1957) 4

5 College of Management and Technology Examples of professions Law Medicine 5

6 College of Management and Technology (Being) Professional The ability to deliver a particular profession. Quality of service. Advertising. 6

7 College of Management and Technology Why is it important? Key to many roles. Success or failure is linked to quality & performance. Warfare is brutal & destructive. –To be successful requires extreme levels of discipline, commitment & skill. Inner moral compass. 7

8 International Section | Leadership & Management Division | College of Management and Technology The military profession 8

9 College of Management and Technology The military profession ‘…professionalism distinguishes the military of today from the warriors of previous ages’. 9

10 College of Management and Technology Military professionalism 10

11 College of Management and Technology Military professionalism What is military professionalism? Two models: –Simple model. –The Profession of Arms. Other requirements. 11

12 College of Management and Technology 1. Simple Model Discipline. Commitment. Skill. All parts together. 12

13 College of Management and Technology Discipline 13

14 College of Management and Technology Discipline The expanding nature 14

15 College of Management and Technology Commitment 15

16 College of Management and Technology Skill 16

17 College of Management and Technology Unified essence Commitment without skill… Skill without discipline… = Failure. 17

18 College of Management and Technology 2. The Profession of Arms Research: –Define disciplines of professional armed forces in context of NATO/EU & beyond. Results: –Tangible disciplines. –Intangible disciplines. 18

19 College of Management and Technology Tangible disciplines Objective, constitutional control. Developed military doctrines. Comprehensive force design & equipping. High levels of technical expertise. Highly educated & trained individuals. Performance measurement of output. 19

20 College of Management and Technology 1. Objective, constitutional control 20

21 College of Management and Technology Defence Ministers 21

22 College of Management and Technology Employ military capability Prime-minister & Cabinet Joint Task Force HQ Maritime LandAir Home In Theatre Chiefs of Staff Cttee Hd Office Permanent Joint HQ Defence Crisis Management Organisation 22

23 College of Management and Technology Accountability 23

24 College of Management and Technology 2. Developed military doctrines 24

25 College of Management and Technology 3. Comprehensive force design 25

26 College of Management and Technology 4. High levels of technical expertise 26

27 College of Management and Technology 5. Highly educated & trained individuals 27

28 College of Management and Technology 6. Performance measurement of output 28

29 College of Management and Technology Intangible disciplines Quality relationship with other institutions. Quality of reputation. Voluntary service at point of entry. Ethos promoting high values. Quality internal relationships. High standards of ethics. 29

30 College of Management and Technology 1. Quality relationship with other institutions 30

31 College of Management and Technology 2. Quality of reputation 31

32 College of Management and Technology 3. Voluntary service at point of entry 32

33 College of Management and Technology 4. Ethos promoting high values 33

34 College of Management and Technology Service Ethos Royal Navy: ‘…enduring spirit derived from our people’s loyalty to their ship, unit or team sustained by high professional standards & strong leadership, that gives us courage in adversity & the determination to win’. Royal Marine: Individual commando spirit plus collective group values. Army: ‘…characteristic spirit which inspires soldiers to fight…’ Royal Air Force: ‘…inspire our people to face challenge, & on occasion danger.’ 34

35 College of Management and Technology 5. Quality internal relationships 35

36 College of Management and Technology 6. High standard of ethics 36

37 International Section | Leadership & Management Division | College of Management and Technology Training & education 37

38 College of Management and Technology Select, Develop & Nurture Values & character. Intellect. Expertise & competence. 38

39 College of Management and Technology Selection 39

40 International Section | Leadership & Management Division | College of Management and Technology Royal Military Academy Sandhurst (RMAS) Mission –Through military training & education, to develop leadership in cadets by expanding their character, intellect & professional competences to a level demanded of an Army Officer on first appointment. 40

41 International Section | Leadership & Management Division | College of Management and Technology Through Life Development Higher Command & Staff Course Advanced Command & Staff Course Intermediate Command & Staff Course RAFC RNC RMAS Distributed & Just-In-Time Training 30 Offrs 350 Offrs 2000 Offrs Brigadiers Lt Cols Majs Officer Cadets 41

42 College of Management and Technology Career management Reporting. Selection. Promotion. 42

43 International Section | Leadership & Management Division | College of Management and Technology The Military Covenant Mutual obligation between the Nation, the Servicemen & each soldier. Servicemen make personal sacrifice in the service of the Nation. Forego some of the rights enjoyed by those outside the Armed Forces. In return must receive fair treatment. 43

44 College of Management and Technology Values & Standards The Values are about character and spirit: the Standards define our actions and behaviour: I expect everyone in the Army to abide by these Values and Standards. Gen Sir Richard Dannatt CGS, Jan 2008 44

45 College of Management and Technology Summary Professionalism. Military professionalism. Training & education. 45

46 International Section | Leadership & Management Division | College of Management and Technology The Modern Professional MDWSC Georgia Nov/Dec 2011 Colonel Andrew Cliffe 46

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