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UG-crate status AMS TIM - CERN - 15/4/2008 A.Bartoloni, B.Borgia, F.R.Spada* INFN Roma.

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Presentation on theme: "UG-crate status AMS TIM - CERN - 15/4/2008 A.Bartoloni, B.Borgia, F.R.Spada* INFN Roma."— Presentation transcript:

1 UG-crate status AMS TIM - CERN - 15/4/2008 A.Bartoloni, B.Borgia, F.R.Spada* INFN Roma

2 F.R.Spada - UGcrate status - AMS TIM - 25/4/20082 UG-electronics in the TRD Gas System

3 F.R.Spada - UGcrate status - AMS TIM - 25/4/20083 UG electronics design history EM  QM Aug 2004 Design of control electronics from EM to QM updated after test session Feb 2005 Contract issued to G&A Engineering for construction and qualification of QM and FM May 2005 Radiation test of few components performed at Karlsruhe, under the supervision of A.Kounine Further modifications introduced because of gas circuit changes No basic circuit modified (ADC, switches, serial link, …) QM  QM2 Jan 2007 A list of 15 components in QM identified by Th.Siedenburg, that may be not be approved by the collaboration Feb 2007 1 component rejected (linear regulator TPS73xx) Jun – Sep 2007 Revision of the layout Following the change of linear regulators, of power distribution scheme and several changes required by safe operation (short circuits on cables or components), design needs major modifications Sep 11, 2007 Go-ahead for the QM2 construction

4 F.R.Spada - UGcrate status - AMS TIM - 25/4/20084 QM to QM2 modifications Replace the TPSxxxx regulators with SEL free LP2989 (UGBS, UGBC, UGFV) Put limiting resistor on Kulites and GP50 power supply lines (UGBS, UGBC) Separate 12V power supply for UGPS and flipper valve (UGFV) Introduce LP2953 regulator to generate 24V for pumps high speed (UGBP) Introduce LP2953 regulator to generate 21V for analog mux (UGBP) Eliminate 3.3V DC-DC converter generate 3.3V from 5V on backplane Introduce Solid State Fuses (SSF) for short circuit protection on 5V, on each module Introduce pull-down resistors on Mosfet gates Introduce differential amplifier on Kulite inputs Eliminate UHVG redesign of backplane Eliminate 2 UGFV and reduce 8 multiple channels to 4  redesign of pcb

5 F.R.Spada - UGcrate status - AMS TIM - 25/4/20085 UG electronics test history (1) since then, QM1-UG widely used for the TRD gas functional tests (2) SlowControl software used on QM1-UG and for QM2-UG functional tests (3) found a few problems in the FM gas circuit cabling (pumps and spirometer) (4) found some anomalous behaviour in interaction with UGPD - solved QM1Jul 2006 UG functional tests at G&A Carsoliok (1) QM2 Feb 4-12, 2008 UG functional tests in Romeok (2) Feb 13-29, 2008UG ESS + TVT qualification at SERMSok Mar 4, 2008UG at CERN for functional tests with gas circuitok (3) Mar 12, 2008UG in Rome waiting for UGPD Mar 14, 2008UGPD arrived in Rome Mar 18, 2008UG+UGPD functional testok Mar 25-27, 2008EMC UG+UGPD test at SERMSok (4) FMMar 2007 FM-UGPS installed at Aachen


7 F.R.Spada - UGcrate status - AMS TIM - 25/4/20087 List of operations for qualification tests Time needed to perform all commands: 15 minutes

8 F.R.Spada - UGcrate status - AMS TIM - 25/4/20088 UG crate in the termal chamber

9 F.R.Spada - UGcrate status - AMS TIM - 25/4/20089 UG crate on the vibration plate

10 F.R.Spada - UGcrate status - AMS TIM - 25/4/200810 Termal test profile Before vibrationAfter vibration

11 F.R.Spada - UGcrate status - AMS TIM - 25/4/200811 UG crate being prepared for TV test

12 F.R.Spada - UGcrate status - AMS TIM - 25/4/200812 TVT temperature and pressure profiles

13 F.R.Spada - UGcrate status - AMS TIM - 25/4/200813 EMC test setup

14 F.R.Spada - UGcrate status - AMS TIM - 25/4/200814 EMC test setup UG crate UGPD 5.6V, 12V, 29V from UGPD

15 F.R.Spada - UGcrate status - AMS TIM - 25/4/200815 EMC test setup UG crate UGPD Marotta, pumps & flipper simulator

16 F.R.Spada - UGcrate status - AMS TIM - 25/4/200816 EMC test setup 28V power supply for UGPD

17 F.R.Spada - UGcrate status - AMS TIM - 25/4/200817 Problems encountered during EMC test: CE03: at 15kHz exceeded limit by ≈ 3db Inserted a 500 µF capacitor on 29V line to the backplane Solved RS03: at 60V/m, 240MHZ lost LeCroy communication between UGSCM and UGPD (with UGSCM  UG crate ok) Elimination of one ground loop on LeCroy bus at UGPD Shielded 12V and 29V power cables (originally, twisted) Solved

18 F.R.Spada - UGcrate status - AMS TIM - 25/4/200818 Conducted emission around 15 KHz with capacitor on 29V

19 F.R.Spada - UGcrate status - AMS TIM - 25/4/200819 Summary QM2 was qualified at SERMS, Terni Both the ESS and the TVT showed full functionality of the electronics, with stability of sensor readings within 0.3-0.4 % in all temperature ranges Full reports are under preparation by the test laboratories Only two modifications will be implemented to the FM electronics: 1. one 470 µF capacitor on the backplane connected to the 29V A and 1 on the 29V B to comply with the EMC test 2. 3K Ω pulldown resistors on RX0A and on RX0B on the backplane to avoid feeding static 5V from UGSCM to RS232 components in the UGBC The required ECO's will be issued No modifications required by the ESS or by the TVT test No modifications required by the functionality test performed on the actual gas circuit The spirometer was correctly read, and the pumps were correctly operated when correctly connected We require that 1. on the UGPD FM controller S9011A, the grounding 0 ohm resistor for the return line of the 3.3V be removed 2. on the UGSCM FM the pull-up resistors on RX lines be removed 3. the power cables between UGPD and UG be shielded

20 F.R.Spada - UGcrate status - AMS TIM - 25/4/200820 UG-electronics schedule QM221/01/08QM2 boards ready functional tests 11/02/08 13/02 ready to start qualification tests (SERMS) 29/02/08 29/02 end of qualification tests (no EMC) 05/03 ready to start tests at CERN 14/03/08 07/03 end of tests at CERN 25/03/08start EMC test 27/03/08end EMC test Go-ahead for FM with 2 weeks delay FM04/04/08 21/04 FM boards delivered by G&A Start acceptance tests @ SERMS 21/04/08 05/05 end of FM boards acceptance tests

21 F.R.Spada - UGcrate status - AMS TIM - 25/4/200821 BACKUP SLIDES

22 F.R.Spada - UGcrate status - AMS TIM - 25/4/200822 Radiated immunity loss of UGSCM UGPD communication 60 V/m

23 F.R.Spada - UGcrate status - AMS TIM - 25/4/200823 Conducted emissions

24 F.R.Spada - UGcrate status - AMS TIM - 25/4/200824 EM to QM modifications Change power supply: 24V  30V supply for Kulite, Marotta valves, pumps, heaters Pumps power supply: 12V directly from DC-DC converter 24V with step-down circuit 30V  24V Heaters on CO2, Xe vessels on/off switches identical to Marotta valves Kulite gauges Dallas T sensors replacing GP-50 T + n. 2 dedicated links to USCM No basic circuit modified (ADC, switches, serial link, …)

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