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Building a Positive Attitude Objectives (pg )

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1 Building a Positive Attitude Objectives (pg 114-125)
Explain attitude and demonstrate how actions relate to an individual’s attitude Identify 3 defense mechanisms Why are integrity and credibility important elements of a positive attitude? Chapter 3, Lesson 2

2 Problems occur… will you handle them?

3 Quick Write List the two problems you’ve faced in the past two years. For each problem, note whether it was a result of your own decision making and behavior or of something that was beyond your control. How did you handle each kind of problem? Did you tackle the issue head-on or try to avoid it? What problem-solving strategy worked best for you?

4 Attitudes Affect Actions
Attitude : thought, feeling, or belief Attitudes are internal Behavior: action that others can see you doing Behaviors are external The attitudes & behaviors of a healthy, reasonable person are usually in harmony

5 Why Do You Need a Positive Attitude?
It will make you a more successful family member, student, employee, and citizen People are attracted to positive thinkers Positive thinkers make things happen

6 Defense Mechanisms behaviors people use to deal w/anxiety, stress, or pressure
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7 Chapter 3, Lesson 2

8 Integrity and Credibility
Integrity:commitment to a code of values or beliefs=positive attitude & approach to life

9 Credibility Credibility : quality of character that inspires confidence & trust

10 Mentor Role Model a life coach who guides,
advises, & advocates for you. Provides feedback that helps you grow Role Model positive person whom others base their own attitudes & actions parents, guardians, grandparents, aunts, uncles big brothers or sisters neighbors, teachers, coaches, counselors, club advisers community leaders, religious leaders

11 mental states that block ability to learn
Fear emotion when faced w/something new or unknown Pride exaggerated feeling of self-worth Indifference no desire to get better at anything

12 Humility

13 Patience ability to bear difficulty, delay frustration, or pain w/o complaint if you don’t understand something, give it time to sink in Humility & Patience keys to defeating fear, pride, and indifference

14 Respect Respect esteem, regard, & consideration that you pay others & you earn from them

15 How to Show Respect for Others
Don’t spread gossip, rumors, or loose talk Be on time Don’t interrupt Listen Give people the benefit of the doubt “abundance theory”—there’s enough of everything to go around—credit, glory, admiration, friendship, smiles, laughter, compliments Don’t take yourself too seriously Be flexible Stick with what’s important: people, their feelings, and their needs

16 Appreciation admiration, approval, or gratitude that you express & receive

17 Task Completion Task completion: process of doing things expected of you in a timely, orderly, accurate, and honest manner Greatest asset: time A black hole is a period of time that eats into your productivity Procrastination Distraction

18 Building a Positive Attitude Objectives (pg 114-125)
Explain attitude and demonstrate how actions relate to an individual’s attitude attitude : thought, feeling, or belief Identify 3 defense mechanisms Displacement, Repression, Rationalization, Projection, Acting Out, Denial Why are integrity and credibility important elements of a positive attitude? Integrity:commitment to a code of values or beliefs=positive attitude & approach to life Credibility : quality of character that inspires confidence & trust

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