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VITAMINS By Zuzana Nováková. What are vitamins? organic molecules with a wide variety of functions cofactors for enzymatic reactions essential, supplied.

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Presentation on theme: "VITAMINS By Zuzana Nováková. What are vitamins? organic molecules with a wide variety of functions cofactors for enzymatic reactions essential, supplied."— Presentation transcript:

1 VITAMINS By Zuzana Nováková

2 What are vitamins? organic molecules with a wide variety of functions cofactors for enzymatic reactions essential, supplied in the diet two distinct types: hydrophylic (A, D, E, K) lipophylic (B – complex, C)

3 Why are they good for us? Greater need due to worse environment Improve immunity Prevent ilnesses Slower aging

4 Vitamin A and provitaminA Retinols Cancer cure and prevention Skin, eyes, genital glands Provitamin changes to A vitamin in liver Sources: vitamin: liver, yolks, dairy products provitamin: carrots, parsley pepper, spinach

5 Vitamin A and provitaminA

6 Vitamin D Kalciferols „the sun vitamin“ (UV rays) regulation of calcium metabolism sources: yeasts, some fish, yolks, dairy products

7 Vitamin D

8 Vitamin E Tocoferols (a-) Antioxidant (lipid protection) improves immunity Cures muscle, heart and skin diseases, burns Sources: green vegetables, vegetable oil, corn, eggs, bread, dairy products, peas, beans

9 Vitamin E

10 Vitamin K fylochinon Blood clotting Higher need by newborns, people with liver diseases, or fat malabsorbtion Sources: green fruits and vegetables, tomatoes, soy, beef liver, yolks, wheat, butter, cheese

11 Vitamin K

12 Vitamin B1 Thiamine Influences sacharide metabolism Helps against tiredness Is destroyed by coffee, body can´t store it Severe deficiency leads to beri-beri Sources: yeasts, cereals, liver, pork, legumes

13 Vitamin B1

14 Vitamin B2 Riboflavin Sacharide and lipids metabolism Curing of skin diseases Support of sight function Light sensitive Sources: cerals, eggs, vegetables, dairy products, yeast, liver

15 Vitamin B2

16 Vitamin B5 Pantothenate Part of coenzyme A Reduces stress, prevents tiredness Necessary for formation of glycogen, fatty acids, steroid hormones Sources: liver, heart, yeast

17 Vitamin B5

18 Vitamin B6 Pyridoxin Aminoacids and protein metabolism Cure of anemy Formation of red blood cells Sources: meat, fish, liver, vegetables, cerals, yolk, legumes

19 Vitamin B6

20 Vitamin B12 Cyanocobalamine Formation of red blood cells Maintenance of neuro tissue Cure of neuro diseases, anemy Sources: dairy products, meat, poultry, sea products

21 Vitamin B12

22 Vitamin C Ascorbic acid Hormone, colagen synthesis Infection resistance, cure of cuts Hypervitaminosis: addiction, diarrhea Hypovitaminosis: curvy Source: fruits, vegetables

23 Vitamin C

24 Vitamin H biotine Part of an enzyme formating glycogene and fatty acids Necessary for good skin mitosis Sources: liver, yeasts, yolk, nuts, soy

25 Vitamin H

26 Folic acid Metabolism of aminoacids Stimulates the formation of red blood cells transfers one carbon unites during biosynthetic reactions Sources: dark green vegetables, liver, yolk

27 Folic acid

28 Daily values: Vitamin:Daily values [mg]: A (retinol)1,3 B1 (thiamin)30 - 200 B2 (riboflavin)25 - 200 B3 (niacin, niacinamid)30 - 100 B5 (kyselina panthothenová)20 - 500 B6 (pyridoxin)10 - 15 B12 (kyanokobalamin, kobalamin)5 - 8 Kyselina listová (folová kyselina, folát)800 - 3400 H (Biotin)300 - 5000 C (kyselina askorbová)2 - 12 g D (cholekalciferol)10 E (tokoferol)400 - 2000 K (fylochinon)80 Cholin5 g Inositol5 g

29 Literature: 20 20

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