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Presented by: Mrs. Golden 100 200 400 300 400 Chapter 1-4 Chapter 5-8 300 200 400 200 100 500 100 Chapter 9-15Chapter 16-22 100.

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2 Presented by: Mrs. Golden

3 100 200 400 300 400 Chapter 1-4 Chapter 5-8 300 200 400 200 100 500 100 Chapter 9-15Chapter 16-22 100

4 Row 1, Col 1 People who came to the “new world” to explore, settle, and exploit the Native Americans. Who are conquistadores?

5 1,2 This was a wave of increased religious fervor in the 18 th Century. What is The Great Awakening?

6 1,3 This prohibited slavery north of the 36’30 parallel. What is Missouri Compromise?

7 1,4 This prohibited slavery in the areas gained from the Mexican Cession. What is The Wilmot Proviso?

8 2,1 This was a joint-stock company chartered by England to finance and establish new colonies in the New world. What is Virginia Company?

9 2,2 List one British advantage in the Revolutionary War. What is well-trained generals, naval power, national wealth, established country?

10 2,3 This was the cause of the nullification crisis. What is a tariff?

11 2,4 This is the reason the south Thought that the British would come to their aid during the Civil War. What is the belief that Britain relied on their cotton?

12 3,1 This was the first assembly of elected representatives of English colonies in North America. What is Virginia House of Burgesses?

13 3,2 This was the biggest economic pursuit in New France. What is fur trapping?

14 3,3 This was the most important result of Shays’ Rebellion. What is realization of the need for a stronger central government??

15 3,4 This caused southern troops to fire on Ft. Sumter. What is Lincoln sending supplies to the fort?

16 4,1 List one difference between African American slaves and indentured servants. What is indentured servants eventually got freedom, had more rights, slaves were more manageable?

17 4,2 This is the primary reason that the British passed the Stamp Act. What is to raise money for military defense?

18 4,3 This was Thomas Jefferson’s plan to deal with British & French violations of American Neutrality. What is Embargo Act?

19 4,4 This legally abolished slavery in The United States. What is the 13 th amendment?

20 5,1 List at least 2 motives for English settlement in the new world. What is unemployment, religious freedom, adventure, resources?

21 5,2 Describe Triangular trade. (who & what goods involved) What is raw materials from Americas to Europe, rum & manufactured goods to Africa, slaves to Americas??

22 5,3 List two major aspects of Alexander Hamilton’s financial plan. What is taking on state debts, large national debt, national bank, protective tariff?

23 5,4 Describe the Republican plan for Reconstruction. What is harsh for south, conquered territory, at mercy of congress?

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