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NMISTC Report November 6, 2010 Nuclear Medical and Imaging Sciences Technical Committee Report to NPSS AdCom Robert Miyaoka November 6, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "NMISTC Report November 6, 2010 Nuclear Medical and Imaging Sciences Technical Committee Report to NPSS AdCom Robert Miyaoka November 6, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 NMISTC Report November 6, 2010 Nuclear Medical and Imaging Sciences Technical Committee Report to NPSS AdCom Robert Miyaoka November 6, 2010

2 NMISTC Report November 6, 2010 2 NMISC elections We have seven candidates for NMISC*: Adam Alessio, University of Washington Freek Beekman, TU-Delft Jennifer Huber, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Jinhun Joung, Korea University Andrew Reader, Montreal Neurological Institute Andres Santos, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid Arkadiusz Sitek, Brigham and Women's Hospital Their terms will go from 1 January 2011 until 31 December 2013. *Will need to amend Constitution and Bylaws to reflect new voting requirements.

3 NMISTC Report November 6, 2010 3 NMISC AdCom elections We have two candidates for the NMISC AdCom position: Alberto Del Guerra, University of Pisa Georges El Fakhri, Massachusetts General Hospital Their terms will go from 1 January 2011 until 31 December 2014.

4 NMISTC Report November 6, 2010 4 2010 Medical Imaging Conference Summary 2010, Knoxville, Tennessee: Ron Keyser is General Chair; David Townsend is MIC Program Chair. 603Abstracts Submitted 538 Abstracts Accepted 88 MIC Oral Presentations 10Joint Oral Presentations 440 Poster Presentations 65Abstracts Rejected 3MIC related short courses (6 total) 47Exhibitors (as of August 4, 2010)

5 NMISTC Report November 6, 2010 5 2010 Medical Imaging Conference Summary 2010, Knoxville, Tennessee: 603 Total Abstract Submissions for MIC 280 Abstract Submissions from North America (regions 1-7) 227 Abstract Submissions from Europe (region 8) 3 Abstract Submissions from Latin and South America (region 9) 93 Abstract Submissions from Asia (region 10)

6 NMISTC Report November 6, 2010 6 2010 Medical Imaging Conference Summary Scientific Program: 4 joint sessions on Tuesday 20 sessions from Wednesday through Saturday (including 2 plenary sessions) 5 poster sessions 13 oral sessions (8 were parallel and 5 were single sessions) A MR/PET workshop on the Monday before the conference 3 morning refresher courses: MR imaging techniques New trends in scintillators Recent advances in X-ray computed tomography

7 NMISTC Report November 6, 2010 7 2010 Medical Imaging Conference Summary 2010, Knoxville, Tennessee: Two Plenary sessions Speakers Greg Sorensen (MGH) - MR/PET research Anthony Campbell (Cardiff University) - "Life that sparkles" and MIC Banquet Speaker - "The inspiration of Darwin" Awards Hoffman Medical Imaging Scientist Award Dr. Richard Leahy, University of Southern California Hasegawa Young Investigator Medical Imaging Scientist Award Dr. Xin He, Johns Hopkins University IEEE Medal for Innovations in Healthcare Technology Dr. David Townsend, Singapore Bio-imaging Consortium Dr. Ronald Nutt, Advanced Biomarker Technologies

8 NMISTC Report November 6, 2010 8 Medical Imaging Conference status and plans 2011, Valencia, Spain: David Townsend is General Chair; Alberto Del Guerra is MIC Program Chair. All important contracts for the meeting have been signed. The last two contracts were to provide local services and to provide web tool for registration. 2011 staff will receive training on how to manage the conference during the 2010 meeting. Local staff still working on the Companion program. Preliminary proposal by November 2010. Final conference poster, the call for paper brochure, and the industrial exhibitor prospectus have been completed and were distributed during the 2010 conference. Only one important action is pending: to reach a final decision about catering.

9 NMISTC Report November 6, 2010 9 Medical Imaging Conference status and plans Some highlights are: 2012, Anaheim: Tom Lewellen is General Chair; Vesna Sossi will be the MIC Program Chair. Main committee has been formed. First committee meeting held on Wednesday Nov. 3, 2010. 2013: Seoul, Korea. Hee-Joung Kim is General Chair; Jae Sung Lee is MIC Program Chair. 2014: Seattle, Washington. Received the most votes from all three committees that voted on the site selection (NSS/MIC Oversight Committee, RISC and NMISC). The top two other sites considered were Denver, Colorado and Albuquerque, New Mexico. Still looking for a General Chair for the meeting.

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