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Status report on the Asian Solid State Tracking R&D March 31, 2003 M. Iwasaki University of Tokyo.

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Presentation on theme: "Status report on the Asian Solid State Tracking R&D March 31, 2003 M. Iwasaki University of Tokyo."— Presentation transcript:

1 Status report on the Asian Solid State Tracking R&D March 31, 2003 M. Iwasaki University of Tokyo

2 1.Si  -strip central tracker: Univ. of Tokyo 2.Si  -strip intermediate Tracker: Kyungpook National Univ., Ewha Univ., Yonsei Univ., Korea Univ. Today, I introduce these two groups activities There are two groups working on SI tracker in Asian LC Group

3 1)Si  -strip central tracker R&D by Tokyo Group Univ. of Tokyo Group: M. Iwasaki, H. Aihara GEANT4 Full simulation study on the SI tracker 1. Basic detector parameter studies 2. Photon BG estimation

4 U. Tokyo Group works on the Full detector simulation of the SI central tracker In Linear Collider environment, Central Tracker must be robust  SI tracker is one of the good candidate for LC In our simulation, we use GEANT4 Full detector simulation + tracker hit position smearing Assuming NLC-SD detector parameters (SDMar01): 5 double-sided Si  -strip layers R = 20cm - 125 cm B = 5.0 Tesla Track finding … cheater (gathering hits from the same particle) Track fitting … Using Kalman Filter (implemented by T.Abe)

5 Silicon Central Tracker

6 Tracker Hit Occupancy 10 -3  10 -2 at inner most e + e -  tt  6 Jets,  s=500 GeV, noISR, no beamstrahlung (strip pitch size * length)

7 - - - #hit  1 in central & #VXD hit=5 - - - #hit  2 in central & #VXD hit=5 - - - #hit  3 in central - - - #hit=5 in central |cos  |<0.8 Vertex Detector linking is important to reconstruct low-P tracks Track Reconstruction Efficiency (Central tracker + VXD)

8 Momentum resolution Generate single particle at |cos  | = 0

9 Photon BG from IR region (from beamstrahlung) We use the  BG data made by T. Maruyama We input this  data  go through GEANT4 detector simulation SDMar01 Tracker region: 180 photons / bunch  180*190 = ~34000  /event Ave. Energy = 1.0 MeV (Peak at 0.511MeV  positron annihilation) Energy distribution for BG photon from IR

10 *On average, ~2000  /event make hits in a SI tracker *Ave. Energy of the photons which make hits in a tracker = 0.7 MeV *Assuming 50  m*20cm strip : one  makes 1.04 hits in average BG photon detector simulation using GEANT4 (input ~34000  /event) (Note: Hits which are seen between layers are from End-cap )

11 Tracker Hit Occupancy Signal: e + e -  tt  6 Jets,  s=500 GeV, noISR, no beamstrahlung Due to the  BG, occupancy increases by an order of magnitude.. But still 1% level at inner most (for 50  m*20cm)

12 GEANT4 Beam Delivery System simulation study at Tokyo K. Tanabe (JLC Road Map report design) Currently we have outputs (ROOT)  Using this BDS simulation, we’re going to do more detail detector BG studies

13 2) Si  -strip intermediate tracker R&D H. Park (KNU), I.H. Park (Ewha U.), H.J. Kim (Yonsei U.), J.S.Kang, HC Ha (Korea U.) 1. Simulation 2. Design and Fabrication 3. Measurements 4. Applications in LC

14 Require good σ rΦ and σ z Reasonable (moderate) cost TypeσrΦσrΦσzσz MSGC40μm Fast Signal SSD20 μm40 μm Straw Chamber50 μm1mm Fiber Tracker50 μm1mmFast Signal Inner DC80 μm1mm Intermediate Tracker

15 5 layers at r=9 to 37 cm angular coverage: |cosΘ|<0.9 spatial resolution: σ = 40μm thickness of a layer: 0.6% radiation length Application in LC: Intermediate Tracker CDC, 50 wires IT, 5 layers VTX, 4 layers Beam pipe e+ e- Support Tube

16 Momentum Resolution Full detector simulation 1 GeV single muon: reconstruction including energy loss and multiple scattering

17 Momentum Resolution Effect of Spatial resolution is dominant Multiple scattering, dominant - as function of spatial resolution for different energies of the incident particle

18 Design/Simulation/Fabrication of Si PIN diode Clean wafer Oxidation Cover with photoresist Expose through mask Develop Etch, Stip N + Diffusion P + Implantation Anneal Metallization P+ 0.6um N+1.0um Current High Energy Particle (1,1,1) 5 k  N-type N-sub Metal P+ Metal P+ Oxide 100  m Vf Floating N-sub Metal P+ Metal P+ Oxide 50  m VfFloating

19 Design and Fabrication wafer (500/625/380  m) - n-type high resistivity - (111) orientation - single side polished - A pad size : 1.5 x 1.4 cm 2 30um 10um

20 Leakage current : 70nA/1cm 2 at 250V Leakage Current Measurement 68nA 176nA

21 Assembly: Ladder

22 S/N Ratio Measurement Dark box Pb Photodiode sensor Beta ( 90 Sr) source


24 Heavy Ion Beam with A/Z=2, E=30GeV

25 Silicon Sensor vs dE/dx Correlation

26 Design of Si Strip

27 700um 200 100 20000um 200 250 SiO 2 0.4um For metal contact (n + ) 0.4um Aluminum 0.3um 50um 100um n-type wafer 300um Al Design of Si Strip

28 Summary 1) Si  -strip central tracker Using GEANT4, full simulation studies have been done * Several basic parameters are studied … Vertex Detector Linking is important to reconstruct low-momentum tracks under the high magnetic field * Estimated the photon BG from IR-region … We are also working for the IR/beam-delivery system simulation using GEANT4 at Tokyo  useful for the detail BG study in Si tracker * Track-fitting.. Use Kalman filter * Track-finding.. Not yet  Need to be implemented

29 2) Si  -strip intermediate tracker * Korean group is accumulating knowHow of SI detector * Korean group fabricated SI detector and test results showed that it is as good as others * Submitted R&D proposal for SSD in LC * Apply/extend to silicon detector (Intermediate tracker, Calorimetry) in LC * Need study momentum resolution vs # of layers, thickness, ……

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