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The Rise of Europe Chapter 7 Page 212 500-1300.

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1 The Rise of Europe Chapter 7 Page 212

2 Section 1 The Early Middle Ages
A. Western Europe in Decline After collapse or Rome Western Europe declined politically, socially, and economically 500 to 1000 was known as dark ages However, many aspects of Greco Roman, Christian, and Germanic traditions blended Called Middle Ages

3 B. Rise of Germanic Kingdoms
Germanic tribes would conquer chunks of Roman Empire Eventually, Franks would become most powerful Clovis and other Germanic kings carved up Europe between 400 and 700 Became Christians and continued many aspects of Roman culture

4 C. Muslims on the rise In Arabia in the 600’s
Began spreading through middle east, Palestine, North Africa and into Spain Charles Martel rallied Frankish warriors at battle of Tours and defeated Muslims However, Muslims would continue to be a threat and make raids into Europe

5 D. Charlemagne Grandson of Charles Martel
Began united Europe under his control Pope Leo III received his help so crowned him Holy Roman Emperor Upset Eastern Byzantine Empire Appointed local rulers to rule regions Set out to revive classical Latin learning Missi domnici sent out to report back on conditions of the empire

6 E. Charlemagne’s death Charlemagne helped establish the Christian church as dominant power in Europe His empire couldn’t withstand invasions from outsiders after his death Muslims, Magyars, Vikings His sons split his empire into three

7 F. Vikings Seafaring people from Scandinavia
Late 700, raided much of Europe Expert sailors Set up a temporary settlement in Americas Opened up trade routes

8 Section 2 Feudalism and the Manor Economy
A. Feudalism Because of a lack of stable gov’ts and attacks from outsiders, Feudalism would develop across Europe Feudalism- loosely organized system based on loyalty Vassals owe lords loyalty Ex. Upper lord, lower lord, lower lord, Knights owed loyalty to lords, serfs owed loyalty

9 Feudal contracts? Fief? More powerful lords held larger fiefs Vassals could hold loyalty to several lords

10 B. Knights Many nobles became knights
Constant warfare, learned to fight at early age Fought in tournaments to hone their skills Defended the castle Castle defenses??? Chivalry? Troubadours

11 C. Serfs Manor was the lords estate
Worked by serfs- not slaves, but bound to the land Worked the land and paid taxes in exchange for protection Mutual obligations Manors were usually self sufficient Peasant Life??

12 Section 3 The Medieval Church
A. The Church Dominates Medieval Life By late middle ages, Western Europe majority Christian Sacraments administered by priests- sacred rites of Church Bible only in Latin People had to rely on church for salvation

13 B. Village Life Daily life centered on Christian Calendar
Easter, Christmas, holy days Eventually, cathedrals built across Europe in gothic Style- large, towering structures Many pilgrims encouraged to visit religious sites Priests were men, but women could enter the nunnery

14 C. Church Power Grows Church becomes most powerful institution in Europe Papal Supremacy- power of pope crossed political borders Could end disputes Excommunicate people who disobeyed Interdict- excommunicate whole community because of acts of leader Assured them they were going to hell

15 D. Corruption and Reform
Soon, Church became a wealthy institution Priest stopped adhering to three rules- poverty, chastity, and obedience Abbot Berno set up Monastery to helping monks and nuns combat corruption in church Gregory VII pushed for more reform Church alone appoints church officials Priests can’t get married

16 St. Francis of Assisi started first order of Friars
New Preaching order Friars traveled around Europe preaching St. Francis of Assisi started first order of Friars Dominic Order of Friars dedicated themselves to teaching official church doctrine to combat heresies that differed from official church teachings

17 E. Jews in Medieval Europe
At first, were allowed to practice their faith However, began to face more and more discrimination Pretty soon, many fled to Eastern Europe to avoid persecution.

18 Section 4 Economic Recovery Sparks Change
A. Agricultural revolution 800’s, peasants began producing more crops 1. Steel plow better for European soil 2. 3 crop rotation? More Food, Population can grow

19 B. Revival of Trade and Travel
Feudal warfare and invasions decrease People feel safer traveling People want goods not produced in manor Old trade routes revive Byzantine to Florence to Flanders to the rest of Europe New Merchant class asked for charters- established written rights and rules

20 C. Commercial Revolution
Trade needs more money in circulation Capital? Merchants form partnerships. Why? Many people become tenant farmers and merchants instead of serfs Lords rather have tax money instead of labor

21 D. Rise of Middle Class Middle Class- Guilds-
Apprentice Journeymen Master E. Town Life- many cities grew to over 10,000 people As cities couldn’t grow out, they went up

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