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Author’s Purpose Adapted from Author’s Purpose power-point by V. S. Bell H. H. Beam Elementary School Gastonia, NC 28052.

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Presentation on theme: "Author’s Purpose Adapted from Author’s Purpose power-point by V. S. Bell H. H. Beam Elementary School Gastonia, NC 28052."— Presentation transcript:

1 Author’s Purpose Adapted from Author’s Purpose power-point by V. S. Bell H. H. Beam Elementary School Gastonia, NC 28052

2 Can you name the top 10 most read books in the world? still-the-best- selling-of-all-time/ http://scottbrown top-ten-most- read-books-in- history/

3 The number one is the Bible, the greatest Story of all (and the bestselling book, not just in the last 50 years, but for all time and by a wide margin), followed by Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, The Alchemist, The Da Vinci Code, The Twilight Saga, Gone With the Wind, and The Diary of Anne Frank. The only exceptions are Quotations from Chairman Mao (otherwise known as The Little Red Book), and Think and Grow Rich (one of the bestselling "self-improvement" books of all time). And if you throw out Quotations from Chairman Mao, mainly because it's probably required reading in Chairman Mao's home country, you're left with just one book in the Top 10 most popular books of the last 50 years that isn't a story.

4 Pair Work NoQuestionsYouFriend 1 ________ Friend 2 ________ Friend 3 ________ 1.What is your favorite time of day for reading? 2.Where is your favorite place to read? 3.What is your most favorite book of all time? 4.Is there a book you read more than once? 5.What was the last book you read?

5 1.Give you facts or true information about a subject--they are writing to inform 2.Write fiction stories or stories that only happen in your imagination. They write these stories to entertain you (narration and description). 3.Write to persuade or to try to get you to do something. Author’s purpose?

6 Why knowing Author’s purpose? Recognizing the author’s purpose will help you have a better understanding of the selection. Also, the purpose will determine how you read a selection.

7 Can an article have two purposes? Some articles will have two purposes. For example, if the article is about eating healthy, it will try to persuade you to eat your vegetables as well as, inform you about the different types of food groups.

8 Author’s Purpose 1: Inform If the author’s purpose is to inform, you will learn something from the article. Information pieces sometimes use one or more of the following: –Facts –Details/Instructions –Places –Events –People –Causes and effects –Comparisons and contrasts

9 Author’s Purpose 2: Persuade If the author’s purpose is to persuade, the author will want you to believe or support his/her position. Persuasive pieces are usually non-fiction. Although there are facts, it contains the author’s opinions. With persuasive pieces, it is clear on the author’s point of view (if he/she is FOR or AGAINST it).

10 Author’s Purpose 3: Entertain If the author’s purpose is to entertain, one goal may be to tell a story (narration) or to describe characters, places or events (real or imaginary). Examples of entertaining texts include: novels, plays, poems, short stories, jokes, or even comic strips.

11 Practice 1: Identify the Purpose!

12 Number 1 Use the information on the bottle to determine the author’s purpose. –A. To Inform –B. To Entertain –C. To Persuade

13 Can you identify the author’s purpose? The correct answer is A, to inform. The label contained information and instructions on how to use the medicine.

14 Number 2 His face appeared in the window. She knew he had been the cause of her waking at 3 a.m. Was she seeing things? Was his face real? She tried to lie still and decide what to do. Just then, the window shattered. She flew across the room to the hallway and straight into her mother’s room. Inform Entertain Persuade

15 Can you identify the author’s purpose? The correct answer is to entertain. The author tried to capture a suspenseful mood in the story. The story is probably fiction.

16 Number 3 It is recommended that parents read to their children everyday, starting as early as six months of age. When you read with your children, you are starting them off in life as a life-long reader and learner. It is never too late to pick up a book and read; people in their eighties have learned how to read and discovered the pleasure of reading. Turn off the television and read a book! You can tell the author wrote this passage to A. Inform B. Entertain C. Persuade

17 Number 3 The correct answer is C, to persuade. This is an emotional appeal to do the right thing: READ! Also, the last sentence tells you encourages you to do something: “Turn off the television”

18 Practice 2 1.Read the text/passage carefully. 2.Determine the author’s purpose

19 1 It was a glorious morning in Alabama. The sun was shining through the trees. Alan couldn't wait to find his fishing pole and call his friend Sam to go fishing. They had a great time on these early morning fishing trips. They took their dogs with them and the dogs would swim in the lake while they fished. It was so funny to watch those dogs paddle around the lake. to Inform to Entertain to Persuade

20 2 The Slim-O-Matic will cause you to loose pounds and inches from your body in one month. This amazing machine helps you to exercise correctly and provides an easy video to show you the proper way to exercise. Send $75.99 and begin exercising today. to Inform to Entertain to Persuade

21 3 The Underground Railroad was a secret organization which helped slaves escape to freedom. Many slaves were able to escape because of the conductors and station masters. The northern states were free states and slaves were free once they arrived in the north. Secret codes and signals were used to identify the conductors and station masters. to Inform to Entertain to Persuade

22 4 Judy Glen's amazing Wrinkle Remover cream will make you look younger in thirty days or less. This remarkable cream has special ingredients to make your wrinkles disappear. The cost for a thirty day supply is $ 25.99. Send your check to P.O.Box 00002, Shelton, CA 74836 to Inform to Entertain to Persuade

23 5 Thomas was not happy one little bit. His sister, Susan was making honor roll again. His parents would allow her to do anything she wanted to do. Thomas was not making honor roll this time and he was not going to be allowed to do all the things he wanted to do. Poor Thomas! He would just have to study harder and get back on the honor roll. to Inform to Entertain to Persuade

24 6 Laura Elizabeth Ingalls Wilder was born on February 7, 1867 in Pepin, Wisconsin to Charles and Caroline Ingalls. She met and married Almanzo James Wilder in 1885. She published many books based on her travels to the west. Her writing became the basis for the " Little House" series She died in 1957. to Inform to Entertain to Persuade

25 7 HAMSTERS FOR SALE: Braxton Pet Store, Northwood Mall: We have a large selection of hamsters for sale this week. They are interesting pets and you will enjoy having one. They are only $ 17.99 this week. Come and buy yours today! to Inform to Entertain to Persuade

26 8 Calligraphy is a form of handwriting. A special pen must be used. Letters are formed using up and down strokes. Old documents are usually written in this form. Diplomas, certificates and other awards are written in calligraphy. It is an interesting form of handwriting. to Inform to Entertain to Persuade

27 9 Katina and her brother, Jess were playing with the water hose outside one day. Jess was hiding from Katina so she wouldn't squirt him with the water. The back door opened and Katina pointed the water hose toward the door. It was Mom and she was dripping wet! to Inform to Entertain to Persuade

28 10 Rosie had the best time making her valentine cards for her classmates. She used red and white paper, heart stickers, markers and anything else she could find. It was great. Her friends are planning a valentine party on Feb. 14th at school. The one she made for her best friend is funny. Funny valentines are nice to get. to Inform to Entertain to Persuade

29 11 The easy Chopper 3 will chop your vegetables for you in about 30 seconds. It is easy to use and you can use any vegetable. The cost is $ 29.95. Order yours today! to Inform to Entertain to Persuade

30 12 Abraham Lincoln's birthday is on Feb. 12th. He was a great President of the United States. He was our 16th President. He is remembered for freeing the slaves. to Inform to Entertain to Persuade

31 to Inform to Entertain to Persuade 13 Joe had been fishing for over two hours without a single bite. Suddenly there was a nibble at the end of his fishing line. He stood up on the boat and leaned out too far. Just then there was a sharp yank on the line. Joe fell overboard and landed head first into the water. Joe and his friends laughed and laughed.

32 to Inform to Entertain to Persuade 14 The giant panda is a bearlike animal that has thick white fur with black markings on its ears, limbs, shoulders, and around its eyes. The giant panda feeds on bamboo forests at high altitudes in western China. It also eats bulbs, roots, eggs, and some small mammals. The cubs are born in late winter. The giant panda is an endangered species and is protected by the Chinese government.

33 to Inform to Entertain to Persuade 15 It's New! It's Refreshing! It's Slurpy Soda! This is the best soda in the world! If you drink this soda you will jump higher, run faster and be smarter in school. Try one today!


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