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3D trajectreconstructie (pingpong) Carlo Goessaert, Roy Van Coillie, Sven De Langhe, Vincent Sercu, Matthias Blomme.

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Presentation on theme: "3D trajectreconstructie (pingpong) Carlo Goessaert, Roy Van Coillie, Sven De Langhe, Vincent Sercu, Matthias Blomme."— Presentation transcript:

1 3D trajectreconstructie (pingpong) Carlo Goessaert, Roy Van Coillie, Sven De Langhe, Vincent Sercu, Matthias Blomme

2 Introduction Gloal: reconstruction of a game of pingpong using footage of 2 camaras on opposite sides of the table. Input: calibration footage Footage of a short game Output: Visualization of the extracted and estimated ball trajectory and pallets on the moment of contact

3 Inleiding WP1: calibration using the method of Bouguet and undistortion of the images. WP2: detection of the ball in each frame using a particle filter approach WP3: reconstruction of the 3D position of the ball using its 2D coordinates on both cameras WP4: detection of the pallet on the moment of contact with the ball WP5: fluent visualization of the table, ball and pallets using openGL

4 Introduction Each module will be addressed in detail in sequential order, which is more or less the order in the workflow WP2 is executed during WP3 because it requires the 2D table points selected by the user

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