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ECM State of the Industry Robert Nelson Strategic Services Director Crown Partners.

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Presentation on theme: "ECM State of the Industry Robert Nelson Strategic Services Director Crown Partners."— Presentation transcript:

1 ECM State of the Industry Robert Nelson Strategic Services Director Crown Partners

2 Agenda ECM Industry Past ECM Today ECM in the future –Near term –Where are we going

3 Enterprise Content Management (ECM) ECM = the tools and technologies used to: Capture - move content (in any form) into your repositories for reuse or retirement Manage - move the content around the organization to drive applications and processes Store - Put the content in a logical place for easy access Preserve - hold the content for long term archival and storage needs Deliver - get the content to the right audience at the right time on the right device Or ECM = The mass of unmanaged electronic stuff in your organization

4 The ECM Industry Past 1990 -1993 1993 - 1998 1998 - 2005 2005 - 2008 Primarily imaging & workflow systems, very proprietary Moving into mass market, Windows 3.0 provides key interface, consolidation of Doc Mgmt, Imaging/Workflow Beginning of the movement to browser based, introduction of the need for web content mgmt Consolidation of the industry, entry of the platform vendors; IBM, EMC, Microsoft, Oracle, etc

5 ECM just 4 years ago Gartner ECM Magic Quadrant October 2004

6 ECM Today, Gartner ECM Magic Quadrant, 2007

7 Current State of the ECM Industry A Period of Change We are seeing a movement from a Product focused industry to a "Platform focused Industry" And a movement from relativity high cost per seat to one of relatively low cost per seat

8 ECM in Boise Installations Initiatives Firms supplying solutions and services

9 Awareness is high How important is managing electronic information to an organizations effectiveness? Source AIIM State of the Industry Survey

10 However, Is the ROI on ECM better or worse than other IT investments 25% Better 47% about the same 28% worse

11 How confident are you that your electronic information is accurate, trustworthy and accessible. In a recent study conducted by AIIM 58% were "slightly confident" or "not confident at all" Dec 1 2006 Federal Rules of Civil Procedures 26 & 34 went into effect. Term introduced "Electronically stored information” (and a new acronym ESI) rather than the old phrase that had been in effect for over 30 years of "data compilation". ESI is identified as a distinctive category of information, subject to discovery obligation on par with 'documents'

12 ECM Industry of the Future Every day, we create and store more information (in digital format) than has been stored for most of our history on paper. ( John Batelle: The Search ) Univ of Cal Berkley study 93% of new documents or information is created and stored in electronic format (hard drives mostly) ( UC Berkley: How much Information 2003 ) However paper continues to be a growth industry –'We believe that paper based information will continue to grow, not in spite of, but because of new 'paperless' technologies such as e-mail and the internet...“ ( From the Iron Mountain 10-K report to the SEC )

13 Tactically what is the short term future And what do people see using ECM for in the next 12 - 18 month Source AIIM State of the Industry Survey

14 ECM for the Masses Adoption Historic ECM Adoption 4%Future Adoption 80%

15 Challenges to the future success of ECM What are the 3 biggest challenges to implementing ECM Change Mgmt 30% Justifying the investment 28% Getting employee commitment 24% (which ties back to effective change mgmt) Once the systems are in, the top 3 problems in managing a records or document mgmt system Underestimated process & organizational issues 40% Lack of knowledge & training 31% Uneven usage due to poor governance 31%

16 Where are we going from here Is there going to be a ‘ECM’ Industry in 4 more years? Who is not on this list? Open Source Google

17 Questions? Copies of presentation or follow up Robert Nelson

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