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A Mr Butcher Presentation Picture Show… Modernisation In a world without order… One theory… Without hope… Without more order… And one man… Chose to be.

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Presentation on theme: "A Mr Butcher Presentation Picture Show… Modernisation In a world without order… One theory… Without hope… Without more order… And one man… Chose to be."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Mr Butcher Presentation Picture Show… Modernisation In a world without order… One theory… Without hope… Without more order… And one man… Chose to be different… It’s developing time!

2 Leys (1996) - First development theories based solely on economic factors. Introduction Came largely from Functionalism Divides societies into “traditional” and “modern” Began in the 1950s and 60s Criticized them for ignoring cultural and political factors -ish WOO Modernisation Theory This was acknowledged and Modernisation theory was developed

3 Based on gradual evolution – “one” path of development that all countries must follow Classical Modernisation Theory USA seen as the pinnacle of development – prosperous and politically stable Under-developed societies / countries are lacking in something? *CLUCK*

4 W.W Rostow (1960) Anti-communist Advisor Supporter Writer “Let’s get this country moving again!” “The developing decade” Unpopular Medal winner

5 The Rostovian Take-off Model Based on an analysis of the British Industrial Revolution Spoke of a number of stages to development that all countries must follow High levels of investment and political reform during the process

6 Stage 1 - Traditional Agricultural society Ascribed status Low levels of science and technology Believe more in religion than science

7 Stage 2 – Preconditions for take-off Transition period Increase in trade, industry and communication Start to move away from subsistent society Modernising elite forms

8 Stage 3 – Take-off Investment grows to 10% of national income Social and political reforms conducive to economic growth Similar to industrialisation Move towards democracy Rapid growth of manufacturing Achieved status

9 Stage 4 – Drive to maturity Investment growth continues Social and political reforms continue the growth Continuation of industrialisation More investment in new technology Whole society becomes geared around economic prosperity and technical development

10 Stage 5 – Age of high mass consumption Modern society as we see it Economic production at a constantly high level Social and political choices can be made about society Consumption is at an all-time high Increase in the service sector Continuation of industrialisation USA Western Europe Former USSR

11 Internal Factors Social and cultural factors determine whether development occurs or not Technology Investment Enterprise Removal of traditional cultural practices

12 Does it work? KenyaGhanaFiji What about you?

13 What’s wrong with it? Kiely (2003) - Assumes the process is unproblematic Too idealistic Modernity is not perfect Rostow is ethnocentric in his judgement of development Ignores advantages developed countries had while developing

14 Conclusion ? Fin (Mostly)

15 Mr Butcher Goes Developerising










25 Fin

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