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Biome-BGC and Estimations of Tower Fluxes
Chequamegon Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study August 16-21, 2002 seawinds – 25 km resolution, short wave-length Faith Ann Heinsch1, John Kimball2, and Steve Running1 1Numerical Terradynamic Simulation Group 2 Flathead Lake Biological Station University of Montana
MODIS NPP Calculation seawinds – 25 km resolution, short wave-length
NPP (Net Primary Production)
Quantifies vegetation growth Uses: component of NEP for terrestrial carbon source/sink analyses [global interest] practical measure of crop/range/forest growth [local interest]
MOD17: The MODIS PSN/NPP Algorithm
MODIS Productivity Design Limitations….
• Based on Remotely-Sensed LAI estimate • 1 km2 resolution (possibly 250 m2) • Accuracy of supplemental inputs Vegetation Classification Weather & Radiation Data • Lack of growth respiration in weekly productivity
MODIS Productivity Design Limitations imply that...
• Can provide accurate large scale depictions of relative differences in productivity • Accuracy of estimates at smaller scale will be subject to the accuracy of the vegetation classification and weather & radiation data
Remote Sensing of Vegetation
Satellite Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR=0.45Rnet ) Signal Related to 1. Leaf area 2. Canopy structure 3. Viewing angle Ground Leaf
Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FPAR)
NDVI Leaf Area Index (LAI) Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FPAR)
MODIS Productivity Data Flow
Instrument 1 km2 Reflectance Data Canopy Structure Vegetation Cover Algorithm Leaf Area Index (LAI) Fraction of Radiation Absorbed (FPAR) Temperature & Radiation Vegetation Type Vegetation Productivity Algorithm Weekly & Annual
Vegetation Productivity
Gross Photosynthesis Respiration Net Primary Productivity (g C/m2) = - NPP GPP R
Photosynthetically Active
MODIS Photosynthesis The Monteith equation…. Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation Radiation Use Efficiency GPP = x APAR (FPAR) (0.45Rnet )
Radiation Use Efficiency
Maximum Radiation Use Efficiency under ideal conditions for each biome Vapor Pressure Deficit Coefficient = max [mtmin ][mvpd ] Temperature Coefficient for each biome The coefficients are calculated from (DAO 1° resolution) daily minimum and maximum air temperature inputs
max (mtmin)(mvpd) (FPAR)(0.45Rnet )
MODIS Productivity Annual = (Weekly) - R m_live wood - R g Weekly = GPP - R m_leaf - R m_fine root max (mtmin)(mvpd) (FPAR)(0.45Rnet ) GPP =
Algorithm Implementation
Entries in the Biome Look-Up Table
UMD vegetation class Parameter name epsilon_max tmin_max tmin_min vpd_max vpd_min sla q10_mr froot_leaf_ratio livewood_leaf_rat leaf_mr_base froot_mr_base livewood_mr_base leaf_gr_base froot_leaf_gr_rati livewood_leaf_gr_r deadwood_leaf_gr_r
Estimation of Daily NPP in the MOD17 Algorithm
Annual Net Primary Production Estimation
Biome-BGC seawinds – 25 km resolution, short wave-length
The BIOME-BGC Terrestrial Ecosystem Process Model
BIOME-BGC estimates fluxes and storage of energy, water, carbon, and nitrogen for the vegetation and soil components of terrestrial ecosystems. Model algorithms represent physical and biological processes that control fluxes of energy and mass: New leaf growth and old leaf litterfall Sunlight interception by leaves, and penetration to the ground Precipitation routing to leaves and soil Snow (SWE) accumulation and melting Drainage and runoff of soil water Evaporation of water from soil and wet leaves Transpiration of soil water through leaf stomata Photosynthetic fixation of carbon from CO2 in the air N uptake from the soil Distribution of C and N to growing plant parts Decomposition of fresh plant litter and old soil organic matter Plant mortality Plant phenology Fire/disturbance The model uses a daily time-step with daily updating of vegetation, litter, and soil components.
BIOME-BGC Major Features:
Daily time step (day/night partitioning based on daily information); Single, uniform soil layer hydrology (bucket model); 1 uniform snow layer of SWE (no canopy snow interception/losses); 1 canopy layer (sunlit/shaded leaf partitioning); Dynamic phenology and C/N allocation (e.g. LAI, biomass, soil and litter) Disturbance (fire) and mortality functions Variable litter and soil C decomposition rates (3 litter and 4 soil C pools) Major Features:
Meteorological Parameters Required by Biome-BGC
Daily maximum temperature (°C) Daily minimum temperature (°C) Daylight average temperature (°C) Daily total precipitation (cm) Daylight average partial pressure of water vapor (Pa) Daylight average shortwave radiant flux density (W/m2) Daylength (s)
What if Some Met Data is Missing?
Use a nearby weather station Use MT-CLIM to estimate radiation and humidity measurements from Tmax, Tmin designed to handle complex terrain uses a base station to calculate “site” data Use DAYMET (conterminous U.S. only) uses several met stations surrounding site data available from takes into account complex terrain
BIOME-BGC Eco-physiological Parameters
Biome-BGC uses a list of 43 parameters to differentiate biomes. These parameters define the general eco-physiological characteristics of the dominant vegetation type and must be specified prior to each model simulation. These parameters can be measured in the field, obtained from the literature or derived from other measurements. Default Biome types with defined parameters Deciduous Broadleaf Forest (temperate) Deciduous Needleleaf forest (larch) Evergreen Broadleaf Forest (subtropical/tropical) Evergreen Needleleaf Forest Evergreen Shrubland C3 Grassland C4 Grassland
Biome-BGC Default Eco-physiological Parameters: Evergreen Needleleaf Forest
BIOME-BGC Environmental Controls on Canopy Conductance (Walker Branch Site)
M_total,sun,shade = (MPPFD,sun,shade * MTmin * MVPD * MPSI) where multipliers range from 0 (full Gs reduction) to 1 (no effect) Gs, sun,shade = Gs,max * M_total, sun,shade
Example Initialization File
MET_INPUT (keyword) start of meteorology file control block BIOME-BGC Example Initialization File metdata/TDE.mtc41 meteorology input filename (int) header lines in met file RESTART (keyword) start of restart control block (flag) 1 = read r estart file = don't read restart file (flag) 1 = write restart file 0 = don't write restart file (flag) 1 = use restart metyear 0 = reset metyear restart/TDE_n.endpoint input restart filename restart/TDE. endpoint output restart filename TIME_DEFINE (keyword - do not remove) (int) number of meteorological data years (int) number of simulation years (int) first simulation year (flag) = spinup simulation 0 = normal simulation (int) maximum number of spinup years (if spinup simulation) CLIM_CHANGE (keyword - do not remove) (deg C) offset for Tmax (deg C) off set for Tmin (DIM) multiplier for Prcp (DIM) multiplier for VPD (DIM) multiplier for shortwave radiation CO2_CONTROL (keyword - do not remove) (flag) 0=constant 1=vary with fil e 2=constant, file for Ndep (ppm) constant atmospheric CO2 concentration TDE_co2.txt (file) annual variable CO2 filename SITE (keyword) start of site physical constants block (m) effective soil dept h (corrected for rock fraction) (%) sand percentage by volume in rock - free soil (%) silt percentage by volume in rock - free soil (%) clay percentage by volume in rock - free soil (m) site elevation (degrees) site latitude ( - for S.Hem.) (DIM) site shortwave albedo (kgN/m2/yr) wet+dry atmospheric deposition of N (kgN/m2/yr) symbiotic+asymbiotic fixation of N
Example Initialization File (cont.)
RAMP _NDEP (keyword - do not remove) BIOME-BGC Example Initialization File (cont.) (flag) do a ramped N - deposition run? 0=no, 1=yes (int) reference year for industrial N deposition (kgN/m2/yr) industrial N deposition value EPC_FILE (keyword - do no t remove) dbf.epc (file) TDE DBF ecophysiological constants W_STATE (keyword) start of water state variable initialization block (kg/m2) water stored in snowpack (DIM) initial soil water as a proportion of sa turation C_STATE (keyword) start of carbon state variable initialization block (kgC/m2) first - year maximum leaf carbon (kgC/m2) first - year maximum stem carbon (kgC/m2) coarse woody debris carbon 0. (kgC/m2) litter carbon, labile pool (kgC/m2) litter carbon, unshielded cellulose pool (kgC/m2) litter carbon, shielded cellulose pool (kgC/m2) litter carbon, lignin pool (kgC/m2) soil carbon, fast microbial recycling pool (kgC/m2) soil carbon, medium microbial recycling pool (kgC/m2) soil carbon, slow microbial recycling pool (kgC/m2) soil carbon, recalcitrant SOM (slowest) N_STA TE (keyword) start of nitrogen state variable initialization block (kgN/m2) litter nitrogen, labile pool (kgN/m2) soil nitrogen, mineral pool OUTPUT_CONTROL (keyword - do not remove) outputs/TDE_out (text) pr efix for output files 1 (flag) 1 = write daily output 0 = no daily output 0 (flag) 1 = monthly avg of daily variables 0 = no monthly avg 0 (flag) 1 = annual avg of daily variables 0 = no annual avg 1 (flag) 1 = write annual output 0 = no annual output 1 (flag) for on - screen progress indicator DAILY_OUTPUT (keyword) 3 (int) number of daily variables to output epv.vwc (%) wf.soilw_trans (kg m^ - 2) wf.canopyw_evap (kg m^ - 2) ANNUAL_OUTPUT (keyword) (int) number of annual output variables annual maximum projected LAI vegetation C END_INIT (keyword) indicates the end of the initialization file
Soil Water Potential Curves
BIOME-BGC 1Soil Water – Soil Water Potential Curves (%) (MPa) Soil Class Silt loam Silt Loam β-value VWC_sat PSI_sat 1after Cosby et al., 1984
BIOME-BGC Simulated Daily Carbon and Water Exchange
(1Barrow Tussock / Wet Sedge Tundra Site, 2000) Daily 1Meteorology Daily C Budget BGC shows LAI = 0.5-1 MODIS msrs 1.3 as max LAI good job of biomass, but showing much less C uptake than tower data – must all be going underground (can’t msr well) doubled precip to prevent dryout. 1 Daily meteorological data obtained from Barrow W Post Station, 71.28N W
BIOME-BGC Simulated Cumulative Net Carbon Exchange
(1Barrow Tussock / Wet Sedge Tundra Site) C sink (+) C source (-) run for a couple of years with re-init every yr resp dominate – source for much of yr may not be true if sat during winter really more like what Atqasuk where it is drier (BGC does not do Barrow well). 1 Daily meteorological data obtained from Barrow W Post Station, 71.28N W
Biome-BGC runs for 4 areas in Alaska Alaska Study Region C source (+)
C sink (+) Biome-BGC runs for 4 areas in Alaska Alaska Study Region electra sites sap flow, etc. grew forest, compared with Seawinds data and now MODIS latit variation between sites for C02 exchange -> freeze-thaw variation Site Name Latitude Kenai AK N Bonanza Creek AK 64.7N Coldfoot AK N Atigun AK N
MODIS vs. Biome-BGC LAI not arctic, but shows that MODIS sees higher lai – modeling for deciduous stand, but pixel sees mixed forest
Biome-BGC Estimates of LAI Park Falls, WI
Biome-BGC Estimates of NPP
Park Falls, WI
Biome-BGC Estimates of GPP
Park Falls, WI
Comparing Biome-BGC with Tower Flux Data
Verification of BIOME-BGC Daily and Seasonal Dynamics: Comparisons with Tower Eddy-flux Measurements
Mature Black Spruce Stand (NSA-OBS Ameriflux site) Mature Aspen Stand (SSA-OA BERMS site) NEP ET Kimball et al., 1997a,b validating bgc with boreal sites
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