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Chapters 1-4 Unit I Lesson 4 Notes: Classical Empires of the East.

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1 Chapters 1-4 Unit I Lesson 4 Notes: Classical Empires of the East

2 The Maurya (Mou-ree-uh) Dynasty of India Asoka, grandson of Chandragupta, founder of Maurya Dynasty Asoka most honored emperor of India converts to Buddhism elevating it to the state religion rejects violence (against people & animals) rules by moral example sends missionaries across India & Sri Lanka tolerant of all other religions brings peace, prosperity built stone pillars across India with carved edicts or laws

3 built hospitals, Buddhist shrines, roads, with traveler- comforts across empire after Asoka’s Maurya Dynasty’s power declined by 185 B.C.; followed 500 years later by…

4 The Gupta (Goop-tuh) Dynasty of India The Gupta Leads the Golden Age of India devised simple math system of writing numbers called “Arabic” numerals today originated concept of zero developed decimal system of numbers based on 10 surgeons set bones & repaired injuries introduced smallpox vaccinations not seen in Europe for another 1000 years

5 built magnificent Hindu temples Buddhists built splendid stupas (large domed shrines) with elaborately carved gateways that told stories of the life of the Buddha artists painted rich murals depicting varied social classes

6 rich Indian literature collected & recorded fables & folktales in Sanskrit that were carried west to Persia, Egypt, & Greece classical, intricate Indian dance based on the state religion of Hinduism decline by weak rulers, civil war, & invasion by central Asian nomadic White Huns who destroyed everything in their path

7 CLASSICAL CHINA PHILOSOPHIES Confucianism: philosophy to ensure social order, good government, & harmony supported by 5 key relationships among people with proper behavior based on filial piety "Never impose on others what you would not choose for yourself."

8 Legalism: philosophy emphasizing strict laws & harsh punishments autocratic rule “wielding it like lightning or like thunder” official policy of the Qin emperor [to follow] Han Feizi - 280 B.C. – 233 B.C.

9 Daoism: philosophy that encouraged harmony with nature rejecting conflict & strife the best kind of government is one that governs least Buddhism: originally from India emphasized personal salvation by appealing to followers with its promise of escape from suffering through prayer, good works, & devotion

10 DYNASTIC EMPIRES OF CHINA Zhou (Jo) Dynasty 1100 B.C. – 260 B.C. justified its rule by the Mandate of Heaven

11 Qin (Chin) Dynasty 221 B.C. – 210 B.C. unified China ushered in China’s classical era built the Great Wall to protect itself from invaders practiced Legalism

12 Han (Hahn) Dynasty 200 B.C. – A.D. 200 kept China unified for 400 years established trade along the Silk Road supporting a cultural diffusion of ideas and customs introduced Buddhism to China

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