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Ancient Civilizations of India and China ______.

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1 Ancient Civilizations of India and China ______



4 Indian Civilization  The Lost Indus River Valley Civilization –An independent artistic tradition over 4000 years old (see right) –Declined around 1700 BCE –Ecological disasters –Aryan invasions

5 The Aryans  Indus Valley settlements c. 1500 B.C.E.  Uncertain origins  Spoke Sanskrit –Yoga (yoke) – jugum (Latin: yoke) - yoke (English) –Agni (God of fire) – ignis (Latin: fire) – ignition (English)  Society organized in a caste system  Epics: Ramayana, Mahabharata


7 Hinduism  From the Vedas and the Upanishads Ultimate reality is an impersonal reality called Brahman.  Each person has Brahman within, called Atman  Brahman is the ultimate reality; everything else is somewhat unreal  Life is a path to ultimate reality; there are three paths: –Path of Asceticism –Path of discipline (karma) –Path of Devotion (bhakti)

8 Buddha  Siddhartha Gautama (563-483 B.C.E.) –Inescapability of suffering and death –“Enlightened One”  Fourfold Noble Path –Eightfold Path –Emphasis on ethical, moderate living  Liberation through knowledge –Truth lies within

9 Hindu and Buddhist Art Hindu Art  Narrative art  Religious in spirit  Eroticism  Naturalism  Unity in all life forms –Avatars Buddhist Art  Focus on spirituality  Calm, transcendent images –Buddha, Bodhisattvas –Renunciation of worldly pleasures






15 Origins of Civilization in China  Confucianism –Confucius (551-479 B.C.E.) –Creating a new, virtuous social order –Five inner virtues, two outer virtues –Purpose of the State –Authority and discipline

16 Origins of Civilization in China  Taoism –Lao Tzu (570 B.C.E.) –Limitations of human perceptions –“the Way” (tao) –Tao te ching –Passivity and resignation –“the soft yield of water cleaves the obstinate stone”

17 The Unification of China  Ch’in Dynasty (221 B.C.E.) –Shih Huang-ti, “First Emperor” –Hsien-yang, captial city –Centralization –Burning of the Books –The Great Wall –The Emperor’s tomb







24 Exam Question 5  Describe the origins and main beliefs of one of the following eastern religions: Hinduism; Buddhism; Confucianism; Taoism.

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