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POSTER  Poster Specification: Portrait or landscape view Size:2.5ft x 1.5 ft  Design and format: A well-constructed poster is clear, concise, attractive.

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Presentation on theme: "POSTER  Poster Specification: Portrait or landscape view Size:2.5ft x 1.5 ft  Design and format: A well-constructed poster is clear, concise, attractive."— Presentation transcript:

1 POSTER  Poster Specification: Portrait or landscape view Size:2.5ft x 1.5 ft  Design and format: A well-constructed poster is clear, concise, attractive and self- explanatory. Use graphs, charts and illustrations as much as possible. Minimize the use of text and tables. Use large bold lettering for readability. e.g all text should be at least in font size of 18, heading may be larger. Graphic poster presentations should be readable from 6ft away. Color will enhance poster readability and attractiveness. Consider flow in vertical columns across poster board for easier reading by several people at a time.

2 POSTER (cont’d)  Content: Your poster must include: Title: BOLD and UPPER CASE, followed by author’s name and affiliation. School name, UMS Logo. Abstract Purpose: indicate background, reasons or objectives of your community study or project. Methods: describe the approach, methods or procedures employed in your study or project. Results: indicate outcome or findings of your project/study. Conclusion: describe benefits, limitations and future potential projects/study. Use borders or white space to separate sections.





7 POSTER (cont’d)  An effective poster is a visual communications tool.  An effective poster will help you...... engage colleagues in conversation.... get your main point(s) across to as many people as possible.  An effective poster is... Focused :Focused on a single message. Graphic : Lets graphs and images tell the story; uses text sparingly. Ordered : Keeps the sequence well-ordered and obvious.

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