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Published byWalter Lionel Golden Modified over 9 years ago
Welcome to Seminar HW215 Models of Health and Wellness
Unit 1: History & Sociology of Medicine Good evening everyone. Welcome to our first seminar. It’s great to be meeting will all of you this evening. Can everyone hear me OK? Hopefully all the technical things will go ok. Has anyone participated in an audio seminar at Kaplan before? I have a couple of questions for you to begin the class. Is this your first class at Kaplan? Where is everyone located? Let’s see how many states are represented here tonight. I’m in NC. Shawnte’ McMillan Elbert, MA, CHES
Instructor Contact Information Shawnte McMillan Elbert, MA, CHES AIM: McMillanelbert *Seminar Day & Time: Monday, 7:00 pm *Eastern Time
HW215 – Models of Health and Wellness
A Few Reminders… This is an audio seminar, so you should be able to hear me. Make sure your speakers are on and turned up. If you cannot hear me, try logging out and logging in again. If this does not work, please call tech support immediately at (866) If you cannot see the entire box to type your response, press F11 on your computer.
Housekeeping Word Association Discussion Questions Q and A
Agenda Housekeeping Word Association Discussion Questions Q and A Before we begin the course material, we will start with a few housekeeping chores to review the course elements. Then we’ll have a word association to see your perceptions of health and wellness. Tonight we’ll have a discussion about the theories you reviewed in your readings.
WELCOME Syllabus Announcements Texts Discussion Seminars Assignments
Plagiarism Grading Office Hours Questions Has everyone found the syllabus? Which two places is it located in? (Doc Sharing and Syllabus section under Course Home) It is imperative that you read it carefully, especially the assignment due dates and the grading. Has everyone read the announcements? I will post updated announcements every week. Be sure to look for new announcements every time you log into the class. Our text is Holtz, C., (2008). Global health care: Issues and Policies. Boston, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers No textbook has been sent to you as we are now eBook. You will find the required chapter readings in the docshare.. I have a question for you, why is it important to post to the discussion board as early in the week as possible? Yes, it is important to respond first to my question with a thoughtful response that meets the criteria listed in the grading rubric of your syllabus. There are very specific criteria for the discussion board: answer one of the questions by Saturday, respond to two of your classmates for a total of at least 3 postings to the discussion board, your responses must be on 3 separate days Your answer to the question must contain a reference Please review the criteria for grading in the syllabus. No spelling or grammatical errors, watch the length requirement, use APA format for your references. Then come back to the board the following day or so and read what other students have posted. Respond thoughtfully with substantive comments to your classmates’ posts each week. “I agree with your comment” will not earn you any points. Sorry. It is important that you check your discussion posts by reading them aloud and by running the spell check before hitting post. Make sure that it will make sense to your reader. This class will be very interesting and helpful to you if you start communicating with your fellow classmates from day one. You will be very successful with the discussion board if you understand the importance of interaction with me and with your classmates. Please make sure you understand the grading rubrics for the discussion board. Check your syllabus. The grading rubric for seminar is posted in your syllabus and it clearly outlines how you will earn your grade for this activity. It is important that you come to seminar prepared. This is on “real time” – everyone must contribute to advancing the class. Each unit has a description of the topics we will discuss during seminar. Try to reference some of the reading material from the week’s lesson in your comments whenever possible. The seminar goes by very quickly when everyone is prepared and joins in the discussion. I will try to have a game for you each week to review the previous unit’s material. Prior classes have found this a lot of fun. If you miss a seminar, you can do the Option 2 question inside the course. Go to the seminar link for that unit and scroll down to see the Option 2 questions. There may be more than one to answer so make sure you catch them all. Assignments: There are 2 papers, 6 projects, and your final project. So plan ahead to make sure you have enough time to complete to the best of your abilities. Unit 9 you will do your final project. Kaplan requires Microsoft word to submit projects and papers. Be sure that you save your work in word 97 – 2003 before placing them in the dropbox. Plagiarism is not acceptable, intentional or not. Be sure to cite your references carefully. If you need information about citing your work, please go to the writing center. Please review the link in your course home regarding plagiarism I will grade your assignments by Sunday following the due date on Tuesday. Grading takes me quite awhile, but I want to make sure that I give each of you meaningful feedback and a fair grade. This is important to me. Again – review the grading rubrics in the syllabus as this is my tool for grading. Late assignments: Remember, it is always better to submit assignments late than not at all. Make sure to me if an assignment is going to be late. Also, me when you submit a late assignment so that I know you have turned your work in. If you have a true emergency and need an extension to your due date, you must contact me prior to the due date to request the extension. Once the due date has passed, I can not grant any extensions. My office hours are on Tuesdays, 9-11pm ET on AIM, Feel free to contact me during that time with questions, or through at any time My Aim and addresses are listed in the course information. There is also a section in the course home section where you can post questions about the course. Chances are, if you have a question, others do too Please – no personal messages in this section. I want all of you to be successful in this course and your career and educational goals. I want you to become each other’s support group throughout this term. Many of you will see each other in future classes. You have a great opportunity to learn and grow by sharing your experiences with your classmates.
Course Textbook Our text is Holtz, C., (2008). Global health care: Issues and Policies. Boston, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers There is no “physical” textbook for this course. There are two(2) ways to access the Book All of the required chapters are in the docshare section of the course. When you go onto the course, look across the top of the page to the right. Click on the tab that says "docshare". Scroll down the list of documents to the one you want, click on that, and the chapter will appear on your screen. You can also access the course textbook by clicking the Direct Digital Bookshelf link on the left hand side of the course (Under Course Home). User guides documents are in your doc sharing session – you may use this to help you go through the book.
Discussion It’s important to post to the discussion question as early in the week as possible. You are required to have at least 3 posts: Your response to the question must be done by Saturday Two posts in response to two classmates by Tuesday Post on at least three separate days during the week
Seminars Refer to the grading rubrics for seminar option 1 and 2, which can be found in the syllabus PREPARATION IS KEY!! Try to reference reading material Goes by fast, so come ready to talk! Miss seminar?...You can do option 2 The grading rubric for seminar is posted in your syllabus and it clearly outlines how you will earn your grade for this activity. It is important that you come to seminar prepared. This is on “real time” – everyone must contribute to advancing the class. Each unit has a description of the topics we will discuss during seminar. Try to reference some of the reading material from the week’s lesson in your comments whenever possible. The seminar goes by very quickly when everyone is prepared and joins in the discussion. I will try to have a game for you each week to review the previous unit’s material. Prior classes have found this a lot of fun. If you miss a seminar, you can do the Option 2 question inside the course. Go to the seminar link for that unit and scroll down to see the Option 2 questions. There may be more than one to answer so make sure you catch them all.
Assignments 2 papers (units 3 and 4), 6 projects (units 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8) and final project (unit 9) You must have Microsoft Word—you will submit your work to the dropbox Assignments: There are 2 papers, 6 projects, and your final project. So plan ahead to make sure you have enough time to complete to the best of your abilities. Unit 9 you will do your final project. Kaplan requires Microsoft word to submit projects and papers. Be sure that you save your work in word 97 – 2003 before placing them in the dropbox.
Course Deliverables/Grading
Seminars 5 points 45 points Discussions 9 15 135 Projects (Units 1, 2, 6, & 7) 4 60 240 Papers (Units 3 & 4) Projects (Unit 5 and 8) 65 260 Final Project 1 320 Total: 1000 points
Late Submission of Assignments
Late Work Policy: Late work will not be accepted unless there are clear and compelling extenuating circumstances. If you have extenuating circumstances that prevent you from completing course assignments/exams you must contact your instructor immediately—prior to the assignment/exam/quiz due-date unless prevented from doing so by emergency circumstances. Examples of extenuating circumstances are serious personal and/or family illness/hospitalization, death in the family, weather-related evacuation/emergencies, work emergencies, and issues related to active military assignment. Personal computer/software/internet connectivity issues and course blocks are not considered extenuating circumstances. Granting of late-work submission due to extenuating circumstances is at the discretion of the instructor and will require documentation for verification of extenuating circumstances. If late work submission is granted, the instructor will establish new due-dates and requirements without loss of course points.
Other Items… Plagiarism Grading Office Hours Email Questions
Plagiarism is not acceptable, intentional or not. Be sure to cite your references carefully. If you need information about citing your work, please go to the writing center. Please review the link in your course home regarding plagiarism I will grade your assignments by Sunday following the due date on Tuesday. Grading takes me quite awhile, but I want to make sure that I give each of you meaningful feedback and a fair grade. This is important to me. Again – review the grading rubrics in the syllabus as this is my tool for grading. Late assignments: Remember, it is always better to submit assignments late than not at all. The syllabus details the points that will be deducted for late submissions. 1-7 days late loses 20% 8-14 days late loses 30% No assignment can be submitted after 14 days. Make sure to me if an assignment is going to be late. Also, me when you submit a late assignment so that I know you have turned your work in. If you have a true emergency and need an extension to your due date, you must contact me prior to the due date to request the extension. Once the due date has passed, I can not grant any extensions. My office hours are on Tuesdays, 7-8pm ET on AIM, Feel free to contact me during that time with questions, or through at any time My Aim and addresses are listed in the course information. There is also a section in the course home section where you can post questions about the course. Chances are, if you have a question, others do too Please – no personal messages in this section. I want all of you to be successful in this course and your career and educational goals. I want you to become each other’s support group throughout this term. Many of you will see each other in future classes. You have a great opportunity to learn and grow by sharing your experiences with your classmates.
Course Overview Unit 1: The History and Sociology of Medicine
Unit 2: Multicultural Perspective to Understanding Health Unit 3: Paradigm Shifting: Health and Wellness Unit 4: Global Practice of Medicine Unit 5: Community-Based Models of Health and Wellness
Course Overview (continued)
Unit 6: Public and Private Models of health and Wellness Unit 7: Health and Wellness Model Geopolitical Factors Unit 8: Health and Wellness Model Design: Multi-cultural Factors Unit 9: Analysis of an Optimum Model of Health and Wellness Conclusion: Applying Models of Health and Wellness to Your Professional Life
Word Association To get us started, let’s spend a few minutes on word association or how to define some of the terms used in our course. Please think about the following: What object or picture do you think of when you see or hear the word, ‘health’ or ‘wellness’? Lets look at some of your perceptions. When you think of health or wellness, what picture comes to mind?
Word Association: ‘Health’ ’Wellness’
The clip art can be used as a ‘prompt’ for students to come up with a visual or descriptor for the abstract words and concepts.
Word Association What object or picture do you think of when you hear the word ‘sick’ What picture do you think of when you think of sickness or illness?
Word Association: ‘Sick’
As you can see, your perceptions are very similar. If you lived in the time of the Egyptians or Greeks, it would have been very different, Yes?
Health and Wellness Is there a difference between “Health” & “Wellness”? If so, in your opinion what is the difference?
World Health Organization (WHO)
“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” Preamble to the Constitution of the World Health Organization as adopted by the International Health Conference, New York, June, 1946; signed on 22 July 1946 by the representatives of 61 States (Official Records of the World Health Organization, no. 2, p. 100) and entered into force on 7 April 1948.
What Are the Characteristics of Health?
Health is a function of one’s subjective feelings. Health implies an ability to function. Health implies an ability to adapt. All of the above
What are Some Dimensions of Wellness?
Social Wellness Physical Wellness Emotional Wellness Career Wellness Intellectual Wellness Environmental Wellness Spiritual Wellness Caribbean Private Sector Response to Chronic Diseases (May 2008). Retrieved electronically on 2/22/10 from
How Did We Get Here? As you may be able to guess . . .
Health and wellness can imply a great many things. What are the historical influences that have shaped our current understanding of health & wellness?
Seminar Question 1 What is the anatomical concept of disease?
Timeframe? Attribution? Benefit of using in medical practice? Information on anatomical concept is from the Unit 1 Course Materials. Developed by Morgagni “…Diseases could be traced to particular pathology or disturbance in individual organs.” “…He directed medicine to seek the originating localized disturbance in a particular organ.” “…Connected symptoms with corresponding pathological conditions.” “
What is the humoral theory of disease?
Seminar Question 2 What is the humoral theory of disease? Health or illness is based on the balance of the humors, or bodily fluids. If one or more are out of whack, illness occurs.
What is the historical significance of the germ theory?
Seminar Question 3 Germ theory is discussed in Unit 1 Course information. How has the germ theory affected the way medical care is practiced? Pasteur in “…identified the specific bacteria involved in anthrax, chicken cholera, and other disease causing bacteria.” “…Developed effective vaccinations against them.” “…Researchers then would focus on a particular disease, identify the organism that caused it, determine how it invaded the body, and identify a vaccine that would prevent it.” What is the historical significance of the germ theory?
Leading Causes of Death (U.S) 1900 and 1998
Pneumonia Tuberculosis Diarrhea Heart Disease Cancer Stroke COPD Accidents Leading Causes of Death, , Retrieved on 2/22/10 from
What’s due this week? Write your slogan Lessons 1 and 2 Reading
Key Concepts Discussion Seminar Unit 1 Project Web Resources Check your progress
Thanks everyone, It’s been fun chatting with you this evening. See you in discussion. Good night everyone.
References Kaplan University. (2007). HW215 course materials. Retrieved November 30, 2008 from Microsoft Corporation. (2007). Clipart. Retrieved December 05, 2007 from Holtz, C., (2008). Global health care: Issues and Policies. Boston, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers
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