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Unit 2 Seminar Reformation and Religious Wars 2006 Christ Cleansing the Temple, El Greco.

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1 Unit 2 Seminar Reformation and Religious Wars 2006 Christ Cleansing the Temple, El Greco

2 Analyze the aims, methods, and degree of success of the Catholic Reformation in the 16th century. St. Peter’s Basilica

3 Thesis Protestants were not the only religious group seeking reform during the sixteenth century. The Catholic Reformation, or Counter Reformation, ran parallel to the Protestant one and was similar in many ways. This Reformation had clear spiritual aims, several effective methods, and varied degrees of success. The Last Judgment, Michelangelo

4 I. Aims A.Rekindle Catholic faith B.Convert Protestants back to Catholicism Pope Paul III

5 II. Methods A.Index & Inquisition B.New Religious Orders C.Council of Trent Pope Leo X

6 A. Index and Inquisition A list of forbidden books published by Pope Paul IV 1.Index of Prohibited Books established in 1542 by Pope Paul III to suppress Lutheranism in Italy. Congregation of the Holy Office 2. Roman Inquisition Galileo facing the Roman Inquisition

7 B. New Religious Orders The Ursuline order of nuns, founded by Angela Merici The Society of Jesus (Jesuits) founded by Ignatius Loyola, played a powerful international role in resisting the spread of Protestantism, converting Asians and Latin American Indians to Catholicism, and spreading Christian education all over Europe. Ignatius Loyola Catherine de Montholon

8 C. Council of Trent 1545 to 1563 Institutional reform Reaffirmed 7 Sacraments Tridentine decrees required bishops to reside in their own dioceses, suppresses pluralism and simony, and forbade the sale of indulgences., and bishops were ordered to visit every religious house within the diocese at least once every two years. Tametsi – marriage in front of a priest

9 III. Degree of Success A.Did not reunite Catholics and Protestants. B.Did eliminate most corruption and some secularism from within the Church. Burial of Count Orgaz, El Greco

10 Conclusion The straightforward aims and efficient methods of the sixteenth century Catholic Reformation led to mixed success. Though Protestants did not convert back to Catholicism, the Reformation eliminated the corruption and a good amount of secularism that had plagued the Church during the Middle Ages and many of the changes implemented are still in place today. The Catholic Reformation, along with its Protestant counterpart, affected religion and its role in government and people’s lives. Supper at Emmaus, Caravaggio

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