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WORKSHOP INTRODUCTION TO THE CHAKRAS. The Chakras, Prana, and the Nadis.

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2 The Chakras, Prana, and the Nadis

3 AJNA CHAKRA THE THIRD EYE Nature: Centre of command – centre of clairvoyance and the deepening of the conscious powers of the mind. Number of petals: 2 Colour: Clear, grey, or violet. Physical location: Centre of head. Kshetram (trigger/activity point): Eyebrow centre. Physiological relationship: Cavernous plexus. Endocrine relationship: Pineal gland. Tattwa (element): Manas (mind). Yantra (symbol): Clear or grey circle. Tanmatra (sense): Mind. Jnandriya (sense organ): Mind. Karmendriya (“organ” of action): Mind. Beeja (seed syllable): Aum.

4 MOOLADHARA CHAKRA ROOT CHAKRA Nature: Root Lotus – Centre of primeval energies, basic instincts, and fundamental needs for survival. No of petals: 4 Colour: Deep red. Physical location: Cervix / perineum. Kshetram: Cervix / perineum. Physiological relationship: Sacro-coccygeal plexus. Endocrine relationship: Perineal body. Tattwa (element): Earth. Yantra (symbol): Yellow square. Tanmatra (sense): Smell. Jnandriya (sense organ): Nose. Karmendriya (“organ” of action): Anus. Beeja (seed syllable): Lam.

5 SWADISTHANA CHAKRA Nature: One’s own abode – controls the sexual urge and is the centre of the unconscious, of our hidden desires and abilities, of our suppressed positive and negative aspects. No of petals: 6 Colour: Orange-red. Physical location: Coccyx. Kshetram: Pubic bone. Physiological relationship: Pelvic plexus. Endocrine relationship: Ovaries / testes. Tattwa (element): Water. Yantra (symbol): Silver or white crescent moon. Tanmatra (sense): Taste. Jnandriya (sense organ): Tongue. Karmendriya (“organ” of action): Sex organs, kidneys, urinary system. Beeja (seed syllable): Vam. Asanas for awakening: Salabhasana (Locust pose) Kundalini / Tantra techniques: Ashwini Mudra; Vajroli mudra

6 MANIPURA CHAKRA NAVAL CHAKRA Nature: City of jewels – Controls the digestive system, and is the main driving force for our bodily activities. No of petals: 10 Colour: Yellow. Physical location: Behind navel. Kshetram: Navel. Physiological relationship: Solar plexus. Endocrine relationship: Adrenal glands. Tattwa (element): Fire. Yantra (symbol): Red inverted triangle. Tanmatra (sense): Sight. Jnandriya (sense organ): Eyes. Karmendriya (“organ” of action): Feet. Beeja (seed syllable): Ram.

7 ANAHATA CHAKRA HEART CHAKRA Nature: Source of unbroken sound – In an awakened state, the heart chakra is the centre for compassion and all-encompassing love. Number of petals: 12 Colour: Green. Physical location: Behind heart. Kshetram: Centre of chest. Physiological relationship: Cardiac plexus. Endocrine relationship: Thymus gland. Tattwa (element): Air. Yantra (symbol): Smoky six-pointed star. Tanmatra (sense): Touch. Jnandriya (sense organ): Skin. Karmendriya (“organ” of action): Hands. Beeja (seed syllable): Yam.

8 VISHUDDHI CHAKRA THROAT CHAKRA Nature: Centre of nectar – centre of purification. The energies here influence and strengthen discriminating wisdom. Number of petals: 16 Colour: Blue. Physical location: Behind throat. Kshetram: pit of throat. Physiological relationship: Pharyngeal and laryngeal plexus. Endocrine relationship: Thyroid gland. Tattwa (element): Ether. Yantra (symbol): White circle. Tanmatra (sense): Hearing. Jnandriya (sense organ): Ears. Karmendriya (“organ” of action): Vocal chords. Beeja (seed syllable): Ham.

9 SAHASRARA CROWN “CHAKRA” Nature: Thousand petalled lotus – the door to cosmic reality, the centre of enlightenment and realisation. No of petals: 1,000 (infinite) Colour: Rainbow coloured / purple. Physical location: Crown of head. Kshetram: Crown of head. Physiological relationship: Hypothalamic / pituitary axis. Endocrine relationship: Pituitary gland. Tattwa (element): Beyond. Yantra (symbol): Beyond. Tanmatra (sense): Beyond. Jnandriya (sense organ): Beyond. Karmendriya (“organ” of action): Beyond. Beeja (seed syllable): Beyond.

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