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…. Preliminary Passages…  Observe what the following passages re: the apostle Paul have in common.

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4 Preliminary Passages…  Observe what the following passages re: the apostle Paul have in common

5 Acts 9:26 Paul tried to “…associate with the brethren”

6 Acts 20:6-7 Paul arrived in Troas within 5 days Paul then stayed there 7 days

7 Acts 21:4,7 Paul “looked up disciples” in Tyre Paul “greeted brethren in Ptolemais”

8 Acts 28:14 Paul “found brethren” at Puteoli

9 Preliminary Passages…  Observe what the following passages re: the apostle Paul have in common  In each example, he made the effort to locate brethren to worship, visit with them

10 Where Some Saints Fail… Warm Weather Activities  After months of cold weather, it is good to once again be active outdoors  Honorable activities can be enjoyed  No school = summer employment  Potential conflicts await

11 Where Some Saints Fail… Warm Weather Activities  For young people, proper parental oversight is key to overcome conflicts  Allowing children to miss worship because of these activities leads them to setting the wrong priorities

12 Where Some Saints Fail… Vacation, Pleasure Trips  Everyone likes to travel, see new places  When making plans, some saints neglect to factor in worship  Worship on the Lord’s day  Worship during the week

13 Where Some Saints Fail… Vacation, Pleasure Trips  I have known some saints to not ensure they or their family would be somewhere where saints regularly assemble

14 Where Some Saints Fail… Vacation, Pleasure Trips  Some saints plan trips, etc. where there is no faithful church of the Lord meeting, even within a reasonable driving distance

15 Where Some Saints Fail… Vacation, Pleasure Trips  When asked about it after they return, some saints have no problem admitting they did not worship while they were gone

16 Where Some Saints Fail…  To not plan one’s spiritual obligations as the most important activities is to relegate them to “2nd class status”  It is to give God the “left-overs”  This seems more prevalent during warm weather months

17 Where Some Saints Fail…  Basically, it is to forget some great principle-based passages Mt 6:33 Col 3:1-3 Jn 4:23 Psa 122:1

18 Conclusion  This lesson is not advocating finding a way to “fit worship into” a busy schedule  Such a mindset doesn’t comply with the Scripture Mt 6:33 Col 3:1-3

19 Conclusion  This lesson hopes to remind all of us of the importance of worship & service to God in every day living  Think again about Paul’s efforts  Shouldn’t this be true no matter the temperature outside or the activity?


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