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Sherri Michaels, IUScholarWorks Jim Halliday, Digital Library Program September 1, 2010 Dissertations in IUScholarWorks.

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Presentation on theme: "Sherri Michaels, IUScholarWorks Jim Halliday, Digital Library Program September 1, 2010 Dissertations in IUScholarWorks."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sherri Michaels, IUScholarWorks Jim Halliday, Digital Library Program September 1, 2010 Dissertations in IUScholarWorks

2 Overview oProject Overview oPermissions and Copyright oTechnical Details Dissertations in IUScholarWorks

3 IUScholarWorks oSet of Services oInstitutional Repository oDSpace Software oCollections and Communities Dissertations in IUScholarWorks

4 Dissertations oPhD dissertations oOpen Access oPersistent URL oIndexed in Google oPreservation Dissertations in IUScholarWorks

5 Current Environment oGraduate School Requirements/Options -Print -Electronic  Student submits to Proquest - Can pay OA fee ($95) - Can register copyright ($65) - Can embargo (6mo, 1yr, 2yr) - Student supplies abstract, keywords, etc. Dissertations in IUScholarWorks

6 Current Process oProquest sends the student-submitted files back to the library Dissertations in IUScholarWorks

7 Current Process Dissertations in IUScholarWorks

8 Current Process oList of dissertations that are available but hidden Dissertations in IUScholarWorks

9 Copyright o1976 Copyright Act, Section 106 - Reproduce - Distribute oLife of the Author + 70 oEmbargoed for 200 years oIU IP Policy oPermissions needed Dissertations in IUScholarWorks

10 Track ‘em Down oAlumni Association oDepartments oGoogle oLinked In oFacebook Dissertations in IUScholarWorks

11 Begging Dissertations in IUScholarWorks

12 Contact! oEmail is sent explaining project oLink to permissions form oCan attach a Creative Commons License oCan embargo Dissertations in IUScholarWorks

13 Keeping track oExcel Spreadsheet Dissertations in IUScholarWorks MayHeather hemay@auburn.eduhemay@indiana.edu8/3/2009Declined FoundalisHarryElias hfoundal@yahoo.comhfoundal@cs.indiana.edu8/5/2009Declined ModiSachin sachin.modi@utoledo.edusmodi@indiana.edu8/8/2009Declined VuicJasonCharles jvuic@bridgewater.eduvuic.1@osu.edu8/12/2009Declined WoodenOntarioSherrod owooden@nccu.eduontario.wooden@asurams.edu8/17/2009Declined GoldmanSarah imported yet Declined 7/31/2009 Declined--wait one year KoksalBulent bkoksal@gmail.combkoksal@indiana.edu7/21/2009embargo set WhiteJoshua whitejc@umich.edujocwhite@indiana.edu7/26/2009embargo set TimarAdamadam.timar@hcm.uni-bonn.deatimar@indiana.edu7/20/2009 Granted StrapocDariuszdariusz.strapoc@conocophillips.comdstrapoc@indiana.edu7/21/2009 Granted 7/22/2009 Granted EvansTimtim.evans@wku.edutevans@bio.indiana.edu7/23/2009 Granted LessingLaurenKeachllessing@colby.edulkeach@indiana.edu7/23/2009 Granted BassChristopherchristopher.bass@nist.gov7/23/2009 Granted ProcopioClaireHclaire.procopio@selu.edusproco1@lsu.edu7/26/2009 Granted 7/26/2009 Granted 7/26/2009 Granted PrauseNicolenprause@isu.edunprause@indiana.edu7/28/2009 Granted WebbMichaelmichael.webb@tufts.edumicwebb@indiana.edu7/28/2009 Granted BeltranChrischris.beltran@stjude.org8/1/2009 Granted ChristopherCox 8/3/2009Posted KimYun-SuYun-Su.Kim@utoledo.edukimys@indiana.edu8/3/2009 Granted MayerJamieF.jmayer1@niu.edujfmayer@indiana.edu8/3/2009 Granted

14 By the Numbers o800 Dissertations + 908 o665 Authors Contacted o134 Authors Not Found o86 Gave Permission o67 Posted o35 Declined o2 E mbargoed Dissertations in IUScholarWorks

15 Future Non-Technical Developments oWork more closely with the Graduate School to obtain permissions earlier in the process oStatewide IT Conference oEducation and Outreach efforts Dissertations in IUScholarWorks

16 Technical Objectives oImplement a drop box processor for automatic ingestion of content oImplement an embargo system for hiding of records (bitstreams and metadata) oSynchronize dissertation metadata between DSpace and IUCAT

17 Dissertations in IUScholarWorks Drop Box Processor oOriginally Perl, ported to Java and integrated into DSpace code base oUses an XML-based collection file to specify collection parameters oCan be used for ANY arbitrary DSpace collection oGeneric enough to be used by non-IU institutions oCan create new items, and also update existing items (bitstreams and/or metadata)

18 Dissertations in IUScholarWorks Drop Box Processor – Basic Functions oExamine incoming folders (possibly zipped) oPerform any needed XSL transformations to create DC metadata, bitstreams, contents lists, and author lists oIngest items into DSpace, including bitstreams, using the ItemImport class oAutomatically set embargo terms oEmail results, including handle URL’s oMove original files to backup location

19 Dissertations in IUScholarWorks collection.xml sample DISSERTATIONS UMItoDSpace.xsl 2022/3086 2400

20 Dissertations in IUScholarWorks Drop Box Processor – Current Use oDrop Box Processor is currently in production use for the dissertations collection, as well as The Medieval Review oThe Medieval Review drop box transforms a single XML file into both DC metadata and an HTML bitstream

21 Dissertations in IUScholarWorks Embargo Patch oOur starting point for embargoes: Johns Hopkins DSpace patch to use embargoes in DSpace 1.5.1 oNew database table stores embargo information on an item-by-item basis oEmbargoes can be enabled for any collection in the repository

22 Dissertations in IUScholarWorks Embargo Patch - Customizations Our customizations fell into 4 main areas: oKeep metadata completely hidden for embargoed items oAlter embargo terms without removing embargo oAllow admins to view hidden items oKeep search and browse indexes up-to-date

23 Dissertations in IUScholarWorks Embargo Patch - Customizations Metadata should be completely hidden oItems should not appear in OAI output oItems should not appear in search and browse oItem will not show in total item counts oItem title should not appear when accessing item’s handle

24 Dissertations in IUScholarWorks Embargoed item

25 Dissertations in IUScholarWorks Embargo Patch - Customizations Alter embargo terms without removing embargo oInterface changes (Java and Javascript) to allow an admin user to change, remove or add embargo oOur embargo terms include a ‘pseudo-infinite’ term of 200 years oOther terms include 6 months, 1 year, and 2 years

26 Dissertations in IUScholarWorks Setting embargo terms

27 Dissertations in IUScholarWorks Embargo Patch - Customizations New java class ( runs nightly oFor items where the embargo has recently expired, make sure item is in search and browse indexes oFor items still under embargo, make sure item is included in a (password-protected) HTML page that lists all embargoed items

28 Dissertations in IUScholarWorks Future Work oSynchronization between IUCAT and DSpace Notify Technical Services when dissertation made public, provide Handle Overlay IUCAT record to enrich DSpace metadata oUpgrade DSpace version oMake our code public

29 Credits oMagician Clip-Art from Microsoft oDog Image: Dissertations in IUScholarWorks

30 Questions? Comments? Contact: Jim Halliday ( Sherri Michaels ( Repository website: Dissertations collection:

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