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Antarctica By Charlotte Loring. Antarctic Treaty Antarctica is not a real country it is a continent. A continent is a place that is owned bye many country's.

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Presentation on theme: "Antarctica By Charlotte Loring. Antarctic Treaty Antarctica is not a real country it is a continent. A continent is a place that is owned bye many country's."— Presentation transcript:

1 Antarctica By Charlotte Loring

2 Antarctic Treaty Antarctica is not a real country it is a continent. A continent is a place that is owned bye many country's. Australia owns the biggest section in Antarctica and that means our Australia government needs to look after our part of Antarctica. There are a few other Country’s in the Antarctic Treaty and they are Argentina, Australia, Chile, France, New Zealand, Norway and the united Kingdom. Their Territory's names are Argentine Antarctica, Australian Antarctic Territory, Antarctica, Adelie Land, Ross Dependency, peter l Island and the British Antarctic Teritory

3 Guidance For Behaviour While Visiting Antarctica While visiting Antarctica you must learn to obey a lot of rules. The first rule and the main rule is to not try to touch or harm the precious animals. The second rule is to not throw your rubbish or your items in the Antarctica ocean or on Antarctica and please make sure you do not throw things or try to feed the animals as it may be dangerous to them or for you. Make sure you stay with your tour guide whilst walking or boat riding around Antarctica. You may NOT touch, step or pull on the plants as they are a natural part of Antarctica. Enjoy your trip

4 Antarctic Animals In Antarctica there aren’t as many animals as we have in Australia of other country's. In Australia we have zoos which have many non native animals living there. In Antarctica there are no zoos for other animas to live in so that leaves only the native animals to live there. There are 3 main types of animals living in Antarctica and they are the penguins, whales and birds. It is important to respect the Antarctic animals and not hurt them. The first rule for the Antarctic animals is that you can’t go further than 10m of the animal but if the animal comes up to you, you do not have to the move 10m away from them. Please do not try to touch or try to handle the animals as you might hurt them or they may hurt you. You will also have to keep the noises to a minimum for the sake of the animals. In Antarctica there is some transport so please try not to disturb the animals with any type of transport that you use. Please make sure you and the animals are safe bye following the rules.

5 Protected Areas Before going to Antarctica you must know all the protected areas so that you know how to treat the area. There are a few historical sites in Antarctica and if you and up seeing them you are not allowed to damage them so please protect the historical sites. In Antarctica there are many scientists that go there every year and as all scientists do they have equipment. There will be some equipment in the water and some on the ice and rocks. They have things like tubes computers and other thing for scientific research. If you see any special equipment lying around please do not touch or try play with it and don’t worry because some of the things the use are there for overnight experiments. Please leave protected areas to them self's and don’t touch the equipment.

6 Antarctica To visit Antarctica you must be prepared for many changes of weather. The cloths that are needed are to be very warm as the temperature can drop a long way down to at leased -40 degrees. Please remember to follow the rules for Antarctica and have a great time.

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