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Goals of Presentation Powerpoint Capabilities How to’s Options for Saving and Viewing presentations Tips for better presentations.

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2 Goals of Presentation Powerpoint Capabilities How to’s Options for Saving and Viewing presentations Tips for better presentations

3 Powerpoint Presentations Widely used and available Start from an existing presentation or use the autowizard to create a new one. Templates in various formats available.

4 Powerpoint Capabilities Bulleted slides Insert images Link to the Web Easy conversion to webconversion Animation Sound

5 About This Website WBC Library The Fall Poster Session will take place Sept 11-15, 2000. Enter here to view the posters.

6 Detection of Short Transients in Colored Background Noise by Prof. Roberto Cristi Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA 93943 September 21, 1999

7 Long Term Goals of our Research: Study existing techniques (or develop new ones) to detect short transients in the ocean; Develop a visual interface to help the operator(s) in detecting transients; Determine suitable techniques for automatic classification.

8 Short Signals: from mine laying activities, such as splashes, chain unrolling, mines hitting the bottom of the ocean; Colored Background Noise: from different sources, namely engine of the boat laying the mines.

9 time frequency signal: time Existing Time Frequency Techniques: f0f0 t0t0 time basis:

10 Example 1: signal: finger tapping noise: fan sound1

11 Play sound2 Example 2: same + white noise

12 Use of Education partners and Commercial Courseware to offset development cost TOPIC COTS Content Naval Oceanography Descriptive Track Descriptive Track Physical Oceanography Main Track Methods Track TOPIC Partner Content TOPIC NPS Content TOPIC

13 Video Clips The movie to the right is an avi format (windows only) of the Navy’s Blue Angels. The movie is stopped and restarted with a click of the mouse. The clip is resizable (this one has been enlarged). To add a video clip, choose the Insert menu and choose an option under “Movies and Sound”.



16 Saving Your Presentation PowerPoint Show * Automatically opens in Slide Show mode * Not editable, viewable only Pack and Go Save as... * Compresses the presentation * Includes sound and video you linked to it * Spreads across multiple floppies * Run pngsetup.exe on the first floppy to restore.

17 Saving Your Presentation Custom Shows - Different versions of the same presentation tailored for different audiences. On the Slide Show menu, choose “Custom Shows”. Name it and select the slides you want to show. To show, use the “Setup Show” dialog box to specify which Custom Show to run.

18 Avoid “Death by Powerpoint” Relate to your audience’s interest Involve the audience Establish eye contact Practice and test. Provide outline of the presentation Logical, organized flow Present evidence for each point (graph or image) On a scientific graph, first tell what you are looking at, what the axes are, etc., then tell what the audience should learn from this slide. Tell a story with the slides.

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