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Clothing in 1775. Women’s Clothes Women wore low neck gowns over a petticoat. This was very fashionable. A petticoat is a slip or an undergarment that.

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Presentation on theme: "Clothing in 1775. Women’s Clothes Women wore low neck gowns over a petticoat. This was very fashionable. A petticoat is a slip or an undergarment that."— Presentation transcript:

1 Clothing in 1775

2 Women’s Clothes Women wore low neck gowns over a petticoat. This was very fashionable. A petticoat is a slip or an undergarment that makes the dress really full. This is the gown worn over the petticoat This is the petticoat that was worn under the gown

3 Traveling Brunswick gowns, or a two-piece costume of a jacket and petticoat were very popular for traveling. This is a Brunswick gown.

4 Men’s Clothes Men wore overcoats when traveling, coaching, or walking. This is the Overcoat in red

5 Children Children wore dresses in washable fabrics such as calicos, cottons, and linens. These are many children wearing these washable fabrics

6 Resources,_Johann_Anton_de_-_The_Happy_Mother_-_c._1775.jpg

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